Sunday, January 12, 2020

Harry, you have been getting "used" from the start and you are too much of a whinning little child to see it. Charles, she made an ass out of you too.

Meghan has made a FOOL out of the whole ROYAL FAMILY.

She will always be taken care of because of the child.


Don't you DARE accuse the British people of being racist.... they criticized the woman NOT THE RACE. They welcomed her and she didn't like rules or traditions. 
She wants the "Title" not the responsibility !
She is laughing at ALL of YOU.

Tell the story right. What a huge slap in the face to the Royal family that "cared for both of them". 
The "PEOPLE" welcomed her and she just made a fool out of ALL OF YOU.

Don't tell me that this was not planned from the beginning.

Do you really think that Harry would think about copyrighting their name? Hell NO... that was Meg all along.

Go AWAY...... you're an embarrassment to everyone.


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