Friday, January 22, 2021

(Mama Harris is already taking care of Biden) Biden Forgets to Salute the Marines During Inauguration – Looks Lost – Kamala Harris Waves at Him Trying to Bring Him Back 

Biden Forgets to Salute the Marines During Inauguration – Looks Lost – Kamala Harris Waves at Him Trying to Bring Him Back



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Joe Biden went to church on Wednesday morning and appeared to not really know where he was at.

President-elect Joe Biden is attending church ahead of his inauguration, a traditional step taken ahead of the swearing-in ceremony.

Biden and incoming first lady Jill Biden on Wednesday are attending a service at Washington’s Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. With them are incoming Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband, Douglas Emhoff

At Biden’s invitation, the first couple is joined by a bipartisan group of members of Congress, including all four top-ranking members of congressional leadership.

After slowly walking up the church steps, Biden looked lost.  He looked around at the top of the stairs as if wondering where he was at.  Kamala Harris waved at him as if to say, ‘Joe we are here’.  Next he turned for pictures to a non-existent crowd.  Only a few politicians were present along with media and some marines.  Next Biden turned and walked into the church holding his wife’s arm showing his need to have her lead him around.  When he entered the church he forgot to (or intentionally didn’t) salute the Marines:

Before entering the church some believe he said to himself, “Salute the Marines”.  This was as if he was hearing someone speak to him through an earpiece.   He may have also said “Good Looking Marines”.  Either way he didn’t salute the marines:

This is not the first time Biden was accused of using an earpiece. There was rumblings Biden wore an earpiece during the debates. reported on January 20th on Joe Biden’s attendance at church on the morning of January 20th:


Biden was also accused of wearing an earpiece during a town hall in the fall:

Clearly Biden’s health has been in question for the past few years.  It’s as if he was propped up so the Democrats and their allies could steal the election not caring who the candidate was.  The media hid his obvious mental deterioration from the US public.

This guy is totally lost.


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