Sunday, January 24, 2021

Please read this whole post. The whitehouse will not allow you to "unfollow" you have to block. Please read this and pass it on.



Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page


P Share

Tech giants keep pushing the BIG LIE.

Instagram is forcing users to follow the Joe Biden White House account because the page had less than a million followers.

Remember: This is the guy who allegedly had 81 million votes and exponentially more popular than Barack Obama!

From a Gateway Pundit reader:  Hoping you pick up this story. If you unfollow or block the White House Instagram account, hours later you are forced to follow it again.  More than half of the followers are being forced to follow the page.  Seems like Instagram is trying to avoid the mainstream media picking up on Biden having less than a million followers.



There are so many people ticked off all over the internet but I am not able to 

show you all images.




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