Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Pres Trump might already be out of luck in 2024...read and pass on





Trump Might Already Be Out of Luck in 2024

Forget impeachment. The 14th Amendment could be his barrier to a future run.


Follow the leader.

Follow the leader.

Photographer: Samuel Corum/Getty Images

Trump’s 2024 Hopes Just Crashed Into the 14th Amendment — Noah Feldman


Donald Trump might already be ineligible to serve as president of the United States in the future. That’s true even without an impeachment process that ends with a formal ban from future public office

The relevant constitutional provision is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, enacted in the aftermath of the Civil War and mentioned in the article of impeachment proposed before the House this week. The provision bars a person from holding any office “under the United States” if the person has sworn an oath of allegiance to the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the government or “given aid to the enemies” of the U.S.

Does this provision to apply to Trump? The first part certainly does: Trump took an oath to uphold the Constitution when he became president.

Read the whole thing.


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