Tuesday, February 2, 2021

BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Tearing Down Barricades at Rochester Police Station




BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Tearing Down Barricades at Rochester Police Station


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Militant Black Lives Matter activists toppled barricades protecting the Rochester Police Department on Monday evening.

The activists were angry over a police officer pepperspraying a 9-year-old child that was threatening to hurt herself and her mother. When police attempted to transport her to a local hospital for treatment, she began kicking and fighting with the officers.

The department is investigating the incident.

“I’m not saying there are not better ways to do things,” Mike Mazzeo, the president of the city’s police union, told the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle. “But let’s be realistic about what we’re facing. … It’s not TV, it’s not Hollywood. We don’t have a simple [situation], where we can put out our hands and have somebody instantly be handcuffed and comply.”

“He made a decision there that he thought was the best action to take. It resulted in no injury to her.”

In response, Black Lives Matter mobilized and marched to the police station.

After night fell, they began to escalate from a peaceful protest, to tearing down barricades — seemingly attempting to gain entry.








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