(I do not owe them a thing. I fought for everything I have. I have worked three jobs sometimes. I have NEVER collected from the gov or had food stamps. Have YOU lady? Anyone in your family have the "cradle to grave" welfare help? NO ONE in my family has sat there with their hand out DEMANDING things because you are too damn LAZY to work for it YOURSELF.
We didn't own any damn slaves and you weren't a slave so shut the hell up bit_ch ! )
And what happens when the BLACK businesses get looted and burned down?

BLM activist calls for more looting because America owes black people [VIDEO]
A BLM activist named Kim Brown, whose podcast is on Youtube, calls for more looting because America owes black people or something:
BLM Activist: “I support the looting of Dollar tree. I support the looting of Advanced auto parts. I support all that shit… Because blk people could loot every store in this fuckin’ country for 200 years and it would not even come close to what America owes us.”
— V. James (@GamerElefent) April 19, 2021
Calling for more looting and violence is exactly who these people are and exactly who the media continually claims they aren’t, despite obvious evidence like this.
This is insanity. Where is YouTube on this to condemn the inciting rhetoric?
Kim Brown isn’t the first. Remember this girl from last year making the same arguments?
They think looting equals getting reparations or something. It’s absurd, but there are plenty of people who believe this nowadays thanks to the stranglehold the left has on our education system.
So how long before this blows up into a full blown race war, because that’s where this feels like it’s headed. So much of this anger is absolutely misplaced, being created through phony victimization based on so many lies and deceit, much of it having to do with election politics. Like Michael Brown. Like Breonna Taylor. And so many others. The lies keep coming and people keep getting riled up and eventually this is going to boil over in some of these cities. I don’t know when. It could be months or it could be years away. But the racial atmosphere in this country is just downright toxic at times and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.
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