Monday, May 3, 2021

BLM Activist Sat on the Chauvin Jury After Claiming He Could Be ‘Impartial’, Tells People to Get on Juries to ‘Spark Change’


( For the whole story click link below and see the actual words and photos)

BLM Activist Sat on the Chauvin Jury After Claiming He Could Be ‘Impartial’, Tells People to Get on Juries to ‘Spark Change’

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A juror in the Derek Chauvin trial hid that he was a Black Lives Matter activist to convince the judge that he was “impartial.”

Juror #52, now identified as Brandon Mitchell, is also encouraging people to try to get on juries to “spark some change.”


During jury selection, Mitchell claimed that he had very little knowledge of the case. However, Mitchell was photographed last August wearing a shirt that read “Get your knee off our necks” and “BLM.”






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