Wednesday, December 15, 2021

(UPDATE) Boycott Salvation army.... after donating to them for OVER 50 years..... NO MORE

 (Update in RED below)


How dare you....

Now you hate WHITE PEOPLE that have been giving you freaking money and are bell ringers?

HOW DARE YOU point fingers at white people and say you won't be helping them. 

ANTI- Any color is going to damage your bottom line. 

We will find someone else to donate to like the whole family has done for many years.



We WILL PASS it around so others know. 

There are other organizations that do NOT discriminate and are NOT racist. Every single year that we donated to every kettle we came across and our checks. We thought we were giving to every family that needed help... not just people with certain skin color.





“The Situation is Dire” – Salvation Army Faces Holiday Shortages After Telling White Donors to Face Their Racism

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The Salvation Army asked for more than donations this year.
The Christian charitable organization asked all white donors to reflect on their racism this year.

After a major uproar the Salvation Army backtracked over Thanksgiving weekend and released a statement refuting the claims of their racial demands.

The Salvation Army then removed its absurd “Let’s Talk About Racism” guide following the intense backlash over a text last week that told white donors to “sincerely apologize” for their racism while hinting that Christianity is institutionally racist.

The link to the page is now broken and you get this when you click on it.

And now the big surprise…
The Salvation Army is now facing a toy and donation shortage this year.
Here’s a thought — Maybe they shouldn’t have insulted their donors?

FOX13 reported:

The Salvation Army is facing a shortage of toys and donations ahead of the holiday season, and urge communities to find a way to help.

The nonprofit reports it gets 75% of total annual donations during November and December, and they are once again in need of support. That help can come in the form of an online donation at the virtual Northwest Red Kettle.

“There are many reasons why both financial and toy donations are down this year, not the least of which is likely pandemic fatigue and concerns about employment and the future,” said Colonel Cindy Foley of the NW Salvation Army Division. “We are actually trying to provide food, shelter, toys and clothing to double the number of families we served last Christmas, and in the midst of the growing need we are seeing fewer people donating at our virtual and physical kettles.”

Not only is the nonprofit organization short on donations, they also are in desperate need of bell ringers to staff the red kettles seen at businesses around the country.

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