Tuesday, February 22, 2022

AOC is making a fool out of herself and we are all laughing AT HER


She claims there isn't any surge in crime.

She claims that "the tax credit" ran out so people need to steal baby formula.

 What a fool.

She is so out of touch with REAL NEWS. 

They have been reporting that there might be a SHORTAGE so these idiots are stealing it so they can get top dollar selling it. 


COME ON AOC.... start paying attention. 

Why can't they get a freaking job like the rest of us? 

Stop making excuses for these JERKS.

 Oh by the way.... they are also looting the jewerly stores and hight end designer shops because the baby needs that stuff too. Right?

My God try paying attention to the REAL world ONE day.

I think she would change her mind if they stole from her or shot someone she cared about. THAT is what is happening in the REAL world.











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