Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Fully Vaccinated Florida Woman Needs Both Legs Amputated Due to ‘Covid-19 Complications’




Fully Vaccinated Florida Woman Needs Both Legs Amputated Due to ‘Covid-19 Complications’

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St. Petersburg, Florida – A beautiful young woman born with a heart condition may have to have both of her legs amputated due to ‘Covid-19 complications.’

20-year-old Claire Bridges, who is fully vaccinated against Covid, is currently in the hospital facing the possibility of having both of her legs amputated because she wasn’t getting circulation to her legs after contracting Covid-19.

Fox 13 reported:

Claire Bridges, a 20-year-old, bubbly kavatender at the Grassroots Kava House in St. Pete, is sitting in a hospital room facing the unthinkable reality that she might have both legs amputated after getting sick with COVID-19.

Claire was vaccinated, but due to a congenital heart condition, she developed a complication that could change her life forever.

“She wasn’t getting circulation to her legs and, because of that, there was a lot of muscle damage,” said her best friend and roommate, Heather Valdes.

“Claire is just a positive ray of light and she’s a wonderful woman,” Valdes said. “When she woke up and they told her about it, she was very calm and very peaceful and said, ‘I want bionic legs,’” she noted.

“Claire has been fighting for her life since Sunday, Jan 16th. She was born with a serious heart condition and after contracting COVID, she was quickly in the ICU on life support. She is only 20 years old. Due to complications and life-threatening infection, she will lose both of her legs to amputation.” – the family said on Claire’s GoFundMe page.

You can donate to Claire’s GoFundMe to help with medical expenses by clicking here.

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