Saturday, February 25, 2023

I NEVER saw color until my race keeps getting blamed for OTHERS lives. YOU make your OWN life.... blame YOURSELF.




I am working my ass off to get what I have.... YOU can do the stop b!tching and playing like you're a victim. 


If you do NOT know me PERSONALLY....stop blaming me.


YOUR life is the way it is because YOU make your own life.


The race card gets thrown into everything now. 


You hated it for years that you weren't treated fairly but now YOU ARE HATING ALL WHITE PEOPLE. 

So sad... because I have always loved everyone and treated them the way they treat me. Well I will continue to do exactly that (still).



It was always PROPER to only say things that would NEVER hurt feelings. That time is long gone and the words are flying at stores, gas stations, from neighbors etc. 

No longer staying silent against those.






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