Friday, June 30, 2023

Baseball-Sized Hail Wreaks Havoc on Million-Dollar 5.2 Megawatt Community Solar Project in Nebraska, Destroying Over 14,000 Solar Panels



Damaged Solar Panels from Hail Storm Will Likely End Up in Landfill Because Recycling Isn’t Possible




A new report said that many solar panels damaged in a hail storm last month will likely end up in landfills.

Although some panels at the Scottsbluff Community Solar project in Nebraska will be usable, many will be too badly damaged, according to Cowboy State Daily.

According to CBS, more than 90 percent of panels are dumped in landfills when they are damaged, defective or reach the end of their usefulness. As of 2030, CBS said the panels will take up about 3,000 football fields worth of landfill space.









 Well Duhhhh....LOL


Baseball-Sized Hail Wreaks Havoc on Million-Dollar 5.2 Megawatt Community Solar Project in Nebraska, Destroying Over 14,000 Solar Panels

On a not-so-sunny day in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, a 5.2 MW solar farm, part of the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD’s) Sunwise program, was recently destroyed by a baseball-sized hailstorm. This incident underscores the vulnerability of green energy infrastructures to extreme weather conditions.

While hailed as the energy source of the future, solar energy’s path seems to be more than a little rocky.

5.2 MW Community Solar Project in Scottsbluff, Nebraska (Source: Matt Larsen/Facebook)

The Scottsbluff 5.2MW Community Solar Farm, a multi-million dollar project that was launched in 2019, consisted of over 14,000 solar panels. The project, declared as a reliable source of clean and cheap energy, was expected to reduce the state’s carbon footprint and combat climate change.

“This project will help the city achieve its goal to reduce our carbon footprint and stabilize city costs for the next 25 years,” said Nathan D. Johnson, City Manager of Scottsbluff.

According to Cowboy State Daily, a hailstorm with estimated wind speeds of 100 to 150 mph destroyed a large portion of the multimillion-dollar project’s panels.

The entire region has experienced strong storms the past week, which included tornadoes, hail, heavy rains and wind.

A tornado destroyed at least one home in Scottsbluff. Much of the damage to the area was from high winds and hail, which brought down power lines, damaged trees and shattered windshields.

Kevin Spencer, Scottsbluff city manager, told Cowboy State Daily the Nebraska Public Power District, which owns the solar farm, is still assessing the damage, but it’s going to need some repairs.

“Just by looking at it, it looks destroyed to me,” Spencer said.

Spencer said there’s more to a solar farm than just the panels, and so some of the equipment at the farm might have survived the storm. He said he was previously told the panels were hail proof, but that might have meant hail up to a certain size.

Tim Newman, the regional Emergency Management Director, told the Scottsbluff Star-Herald last Saturday that a violent storm with a tornado and baseball-sized hail devastated the region last week.

CEO Dwight Patterson of GenPro Energy Solutions announced that business executives will meet with the solar farm owners and insurance evaluators on Thursday to assess the entire impact of the storm, Fox News report.

“Severe weather, like the storm that struck Scottsbluff, is a good example of why renewable energy providers and local electric utilities benefit from strong partnerships,” Patterson told Fox News Digital. “Forces that are sometimes out of our control could impact critical electric power delivery to homes, hospitals and critical infrastructure.”

Patterson said the Scottsbluff Community Solar Project employed top-tier solar panels that can resist most hail storms. He said hailstorms are unlikely to damage the panels, but always remain possible.


Michigan House passes bill making wrong pronouns a felony, fineable up to $10,000 Under the new bill, 'intimidating' an individual with the wrong pronouns can result in prison time or a $10,000 fine



Michigan House passes bill making wrong pronouns a felony, fineable up to $10,000

Under the new bill, 'intimidating' an individual with the wrong pronouns can result in prison time or a $10,000 fine

A recently passed bill in Michigan would make it a felony to intimidate someone by using the wrong gender pronouns.

Michigan's state House of Representatives has passed bill HB 4474, a piece of legislation that criminalizes causing someone to feel threatened by words. 

Under the new bill, offenders are "guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000." 


Front of Michigan State Capitol Building

Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan. The state House of Representatives have passed a bill that would make it a felony to use someone's preferred pronouns in a way that "intimidates" them. (Google Maps)

"'Intimidate' means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened," the bill reads.

The bill specifically addresses "sexual orientation" and "gender identity or expression" as protected classes.

According to the bill, "'Gender identity or expression' means having or being perceived as having a gender-related self-identity or expression whether or not associated with an individual's assigned sex at birth."

Critics are accusing the bill of violating the First Amendment by compelling speech and outlawing basic expression of traditional, scientific view of sex and gender.

The bill was passed by the Democrat-controlled state House in a 59-50 vote. It now moves to the Michigan State Senate for consideration. 

If approved by the state senate, it will be sent for approval to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who is expected to sign it.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivers her State of the State address to a joint session of the House and Senate at the state Capitol in Lansing, MI. (AP Photo/Al Goldis, file)

Michigan lawmakers gave final approval to legislation banning "conversion therapy" for minors as Democrats in the state continue to advance a pro-LGBTQ+ agenda in their first months in power.

The legislation would prohibit mental health professionals from trying to convert youths who are LGBTQ+ to heterosexuality and traditional gender expectations.


COVID Vaccine Advocate and Popular Mexican TV Doctor Dies of Alleged COVID-Related Heart Attack



COVID Vaccine Advocate and Popular Mexican TV Doctor Dies of Alleged COVID-Related Heart Attack

Source: Dr. Alfredo Victoria/Instagram

A popular TV doctor who is part of the “HOY” program, a Mexican morning television show, and COVID vaccine advocate reportedly died of a heart attack early morning on June 26.

Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno, 42, a vaccine expert, epidemiologist, and former candidate mayor of Puebla, Mexico died suddenly allegedly due to the “consequences of COVID-19,” Governor Sergio Salomón Céspedes Peregrina confirmed during a press conference.

The governor stated that the medical doctor died of “natural causes” but did not provide further details.

“A restrained, responsible man, who together with the entire Health Sector, from different fronts, helped save many lives,” Peregrina said.

In addition to being a medical specialist in epidemiology, he formerly held positions as a director for the Red Cross and as an adviser for the Ministry of Health.

Visibly shocked, Raúl Araiza, co-host of HOY program, announced the untimely passing of Dr. Moreno on the show while pointing out that he died of natural causes.

“Well, we want to inform you that… obviously it shocks us all as a team because you are creating bonds and affection… our very highly esteemed collaborator, Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno, died of natural causes, it seems…”.

Later, it was revealed that Moreno died of a heart attack, according to a report from Sdpnoticias.

Earlier this year, the doctor revealed on his TikTok that he suffered “infarto,” a heart failure or the sudden stopping of heart’s beating. He blamed this on COVID infection.

Dr. Moreno is a staunch advocate of the COVID vaccine. His social media are filled with posts urging the public to get the vaccine.

“For people over 50 and those who are immunocompromised, a second booster dose is certainly a great idea,” said Dr. Moreno in one of his videos.

“If you can give yourself a vaccine, give it. The best vaccine is the one that is in your arm,” he added.



Thursday, June 29, 2023

Wow... the nuts are taking over the world...LOL


 Honestly what made them all go nuts at one time?

I'm really concerned for society.
















Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Watched again.. On Patrol Live shows all stupid white people but shows "cool and fun" blacks.





Don't get me wrong... there are a few times showing serious crimes committed by blacks but mostly dumb whites acting foolish. LOL

The last three years has EVERYONE CLAIMING they have mental health issues... (to collect from gov ?)




Why all of a sudden. 

Someone needs to look into all the people collecting for mental health.


Come on people...... 













Every Living Former U.S. President, Except Trump, Direct Descendants of Slaveholders Including Biden and Obama



Every Living Former U.S. President, Except Trump, Direct Descendants of Slaveholders Including Biden and Obama

Image Source: Reuters

A Reuters investigation into the genealogies of America’s leading political figures reveals a legacy of slavery in the nation’s corridors of power.

A staggering fifth of the country’s lawmakers, living presidents, Supreme Court justices, and governors can directly trace their lineage back to ancestors who enslaved Black people.

Image Source: Reuters

This finding includes Joe Biden and every living former U.S. president, with the single exception of President Donald Trump, are direct descendants of individuals who once enslaved Black people.

According to Reuters, the list includes former presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and – Barack Obama through his white mother’s lineage. Trump’s family immigrated to the U.S. after the abolition of slavery.

Image Source: Reuters

Connections to slavery also reach to the highest court in the nation, with two out of nine sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices – Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch – being direct descendants of slaveholders.

Image Source: Reuters

The Reuters investigation also found that the governors of 11 out of 50 U.S. states in 2022 were direct descendants of slaveholders. Strikingly, eight of these governors held office in the 11 states that once formed the Confederate States of America.

Image Source: Reuters

In a comprehensive examination of 536 members of the most recent sitting Congress, Reuters has found that at least 100 are the descendants of slaveholders. A significant proportion of these belongs to the Senate, with 28 members – more than a quarter of the Senate – able to draw direct links to at least one slaveholding ancestor.

These connections to slavery span party lines, with prominent Democrats and Republicans alike counted among this group.

Figures include Republican senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham as well as Democrats Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, Jeanne Shaheen, and Maggie Hassan from the 117th Congress.

Read the entire report here.


What made millions of people go nuts all at once? VACCINE??? LOL



All these crazy things at one time with millions of people changing their personalities and changing their sexual organs etc.


Come on.... I'm not the only one thinking this.

All at once...come on.


















166 Years Ago Today: in Famous Speech Abraham Lincoln Condemns Racist Democrats for Their Pro-Slavery Policies




166 Years Ago Today: in Famous Speech 

Abraham Lincoln Condemns Racist Democrats for Their Pro-Slavery Policies


June 26, 1857 – 166 years ago today–
Abraham Lincoln condemns the Democrat Party for their pro-slavery policies.

Via Grand Old Partisan.

Grand Old Partisan highlights a classic condemnation of the Democratic Party’s pro-slavery policies. Springfield, June 26th 1857, Abraham Lincoln delivered an insightful speech. He observed:

“The Republicans inculcate, with whatever of ability they can, that the negro is a man; that his bondage is cruelly wrong, and that the field of his oppression ought not to be enlarged.”

“The Democrats deny his manhood; deny, or dwarf to insignificance, the wrong of his bondage; so far as possible, crush all sympathy for him, and cultivate and excite hatred and disgust against him; compliment themselves as Union-savers for doing so; and call the indefinite outspreading of his bondage “a sacred right of self-government.”


Bud Light sponsors Toronto Pride parade attended by naked men, children


Why aren't these people arrested for indecent exposure? They allow this crap to happen IN FRONT OF CHILDREN !!






Bud Light sponsors Toronto Pride parade attended by naked men, children

Videos from the event showed naked men riding bikes and waving to a crowd that included kids

Bud Light is serving as an official sponsor of the Toronto Pride parade, where video footage shows naked men standing around and riding bicycles in clear view of children attending the event.

The footage, captured by Beth Baisch of the Post Millennial, shows dozens of attendees riding past a large cheering crowd. The fully naked bikers, some covered in paint or tattoos, wave back at the crowd. One naked man high-fives an onlooker while another peddles a recumbent bike with a gold blow-up swan adorned around his neck.

A second video shows a group of naked men with hats standing in a circle amidst the crowd. Several children walk past the group of men with their families.


Bud Light float Pride Toronto 2023

A Bud Light float is driven through the street at the 2023 Pride Toronto parade. Bud Light has partnered with the event as a sponsor for the last 10 years.  (The Post Millennial/Beth Baisch)

Another clip shows a person wearing a giant penis costume that covers his entire head. The camera captures a young girl sitting in a stroller and staring toward the phallic-costumed individual.

Other videos show a group of naked men playing and rinsing themselves off alongside a fountain surrounded by kids. Meanwhile, a stage, clearly adorned with Bud Light branding, featured scantily clad dancers wearing fishnets, nipple stickers and strange sock-like masks.

The company's website notes that this year's sponsorship is representative of a longstanding partnership with the Pride event.

"Bud Light Canada has been a proud partner of Pride Toronto for the last 10 years. This year, we're commemorating this milestone with Pride Toronto by featuring them on our can design, as well as continuing as the official beer sponsor of the festival," the beer brand's website states.


Pride parade naked men in Toronto

A group of men from a Canadian naturist group walk through the streets of Toronto during the annual pride parade.  (The Post Millennial/Beth Baisch)

According to the website, Bud Light Canada also provides $100,000 to various organizations that support the LGBTQUA2S+ community across Canada and has created a range of commemorative Pride beer cans to celebrate the collaboration.


Anheuser-Busch and Pride Toronto did not return Fox News Digital's request for comment.

The partnership comes nearly three months after Bud Light received massive backlash for partnering with trans activist Dylan Mulvaney. The decision angered consumers and the brand saw a significant decrease in sales, resulting in billions of dollars in lost market value.

In early April, Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth attempted to douse the flames with a lengthy statement to customers.


Pride Toronto attendees wearing Bud Light

Pride Toronto attendees wearing Bud Light merchandise wave flags and walk through the annual parade. Bud Light Canada has pledged $100,000 to LGBTQ groups.  (The Post Millennial/Beth Baisch)

"We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer," he said in part. "My time serving this country taught me the importance of accountability and the values upon which America was founded: freedom, hard work and respect for one another. As CEO of Anheuser-Busch, I am focused on building and protecting our remarkable history and heritage."

Despite losing business, Bud Light continued to anger customers for co-sponsoring an "all-ages Pride event" in Flagstaff, Arizona, on June 17.

The party, called "Pride in the Pines," included drag queens and other performers, and listed Bud Light as one of the companies sponsoring the June 17 event. (Bud Light was initially mentioned prominently in one of the posters.) The event is listed as a "family festival event" and a family-friendly, "safe space" for all visitors.

 Fox News' Jeffrey Clark contributed to this report. 


Nikolas Lanum is

Sunday, June 25, 2023

28-Yr-Old Professional Athlete, Who Previously Blamed COVID Vaccine for Myocarditis, Dies of Heart Attack During Stress Test



28-Year-Old Professional Athlete, Who Previously Blamed COVID Vaccine for Myocarditis, Dies of Heart Attack During Stress Test

Óscar Cabrera Adames (Source: Hector Gomez/Instagram)

Dominican professional basketball player, Óscar Cabrera Adames, 28, tragically died of a heart attack on Thursday while undergoing a stress test at a health center in Santo Domingo.

A stress test is a medical procedure designed to measure the heart’s ability to respond to external stress in a controlled clinical environment.

It still remains unknown if the stress test was the direct cause of Cabreras’ heart attack.

The tragic news was confirmed by respected Dominican sports commentator, Héctor Gómez, who announced the athlete’s sudden death via an Instagram post.

“Basketball player Óscar Cabrera has just died of a heart attack while performing a stress test, at the age of 28,” Gomez wrote.

Back in December 2021, Cabrera collapsed during a game in the Spanish Amateur Basketball League (EBA) at the La Albericia pavilion. He was carried out on a stretcher and subsequently diagnosed with myocarditis, a condition that can impair the heart’s ability to pump blood.


Following his myocarditis diagnosis, Cabrera said on social media that his heart condition had developed as a result of receiving two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which was a requirement for his participation in professional sports.

“I got a damn Myocarditis from taking a f-cking vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me. But guess what? It was compulsory or I couldn’t work,” Cabrera wrote.

“I am an international professional athlete and I am playing in Spain. I have no health problem, nothing, not hereditary, no asthma, NOTHING! I suddenly collapsed to the ground in the middle of a match and almost died,” he added.

“I’m still recovering and I’ve had 11 different cardiology tests done and guess? They find nothing. I have no cholesterol, no fat, nothing! 7% body fat 93% muscle. When they give me the diagnosis, they tell me that I won’t be able to play for at least 5 months until my heart goes down again and they can’t give me that medicine,” he concluded.

Cabrera began his professional basketball career in the United States at Daytona State College, where he competed in the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). He later returned to his home country to play for Leones de Santo Domingo, then moved to Brazil to play for Pato Basquete and later to Colombia for Fast Break.

Cabrera returned to the Dominican Republic to play for San Lázaro Jobo Bonito. He also had stints with Mauricio Báez and San Lázaro Club in the District Superior Basketball Tournament, and with the Leones de Santo Domingo and Huracanes de Puerto Plata in the National Basketball League (LNB).

Óscar Cabrera was the nephew of the legendary Hugo Cabrera, an accomplished basketball player known as “El Inmenso,” who was inducted into the Dominican Sports Hall of Fame.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

World Health Organization’s ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’ Teaches Young Children Masturbation



World Health Organization’s ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’ Teaches Young Children Masturbation

Image: World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO), that claims their mission is “to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable” has ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’ guidelines that feature adults talking to young children about their genitals and teaching masturbation.

Stop World Control has a comprehensive report on the disturbing activities.

The clip below features an adult telling a nine-year-old girl, “Sex is not only functional when you’re just making babies. I’ve said before that it’s also fun to do, you discover how your body works, and how my body works.”

“Not only boys can have an orgasm. Girls, too, can have an orgasm. But they don’t have ejaculation then, because we don’t have sperm. But it’s a nice feeling.”


“And obviously you’ve looked at your vagina before, haven’t you?”

After a detailed anatomy lesson she then tells the little girl, “When you touch that it gives a very nice feeling…It’s actually very nice when you’re touching that button. For example, you can rub it with your finger.”

Another adult asks a very young boy, “Do you ever play with your di**? Do you ever play with your willy? Yes, and how does that feel?”

“And when do you do that?”

The boy replies, “I don’t know,” before being prompted by the adult, “Do you do that when we are eating?”

“No,” he says.

“No, right?” the adult continues. “Or in the classroom?”

The child shakes his head no and the adult’s tone is one of surprise, “No, not at all? Why don’t you do it in class? When can you play with your di**?”

“When you’re at home?” the visibly uncomfortable boy replies.

The Who’s CSE suggest education should begin with children as young as five and is “Intended to support school-based curricula, the UN’s global guidance indicates starting CSE at the age of 5 when formal education typically begins. However, sexuality education is a lifelong process, sometimes beginning earlier, at home, with trusted caregivers. Learning is incremental; what is taught at the earliest ages is very different from what is taught during puberty and adolescence.”

While global hunger numbers rose to as many as 828 million in 2021, this is what the WHO focuses on.


I'm straight and DO NOT have a flag outside telling everyone WHO I SLEEP with.



Why is it so important to fly a flag stating you sleep with the same sex? That is the lgbtq... plus etc. WHO THE HELL CARES WHO YOU SLEEP WITH? 


Just STOP telling me how I am living my life is offending you or hurts YOUR feelings. NO ONE CARES what happens BEHIND doors. Oh yeah... thats where all this belongs.


Why do you NEED the world to know who is in your bed? How does that help you in the REAL World ( at work etc).


Someone should make a straight flag. But I get most of the proceeds cause it was my idea.... LOL


You will never change your opinion and I won't change mine either.







Why aren't people suing the Gov when illegals do something to them?


Biden let them in.... SUE the government for anything you can get.

Woman and Teen Daughter Take in Migrant as a Host Family Now He’s on Trial After They Were Nearly Stabbed to Death


Woman and Teen Daughter Take in Migrant as a Host Family – Now He’s on Trial After They Were Nearly Stabbed to Death


The fashionable ideas of the modern world continue to place women and girls in harm’s way.

Germany’s Bild reported Tuesday that prosecutors believe a knife-wielding Afghan migrant who allegedly attacked a German mother and daughter in October 2022 acted in a fit of jealousy.

Fuwad O. is on trial this week on two attempted murder charges, the report said.

The mother and daughter, identified as Bettina and Sara A., had opened their home to the defendant, according to a translated report from the Polish site

“Fuwad visited us often and was always very friendly. So we welcomed him into our family as a friend,” Bettina said.

Sara, who was then 16 years old, counted Fuwad as a friend before inviting him to her home, though she later learned that Fuwad had lied about his age.

“He told us he was only 20,” Bettina said. The report said he is thought to be 29.

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Prosecutors believe Fuwad sought a relationship with Sara and then erupted in a jealous rage when she rejected him.

He allegedly attacked Sara with a knife when she came out of the shower, stabbing her three times. Fuwad then stabbed Bettina 13 times when she intervened to defend her daughter, according to prosecutors.

After their assailant fled, the mother and daughter managed to get help from neighbors.

Remix, an English-language news and commentary outlet from Central Europe, reported that Fuwad “had claimed refugee status.”

It would be shameful to suggest that the defendant in this case represents Afghan men or foreigners in general. Fuwad’s migrant status merely reminds Europeans how little they know about some of the people entering their countries.

A young German male could have committed the same crime.

The fact remains, however, that Fuwad is accused of committing this crime, the latest in a string of such crimes committed by young migrant men across Europe.

Some might regard this as an immigration problem, and on some level it is, but it also raises questions about how Western cultures currently treat their women and girls.

There was a time when the mother of a teenage girl would not have dreamed of housing a single young male, daughter’s friend or otherwise.

Today, woke tyrants demand that men claiming to be women must have access to female-only spaces.

Furthermore, those same woke tyrants believe that if you object to open borders you must be a racist.

It is impossible to say whether this mother and daughter acted from anything other than friendship and trust, but it is not necessary to conclude one way or the other.

In the current environment, females are expected to suspend certain instincts for danger.

They can still go to the bathroom in packs or ask co-workers to walk them to their vehicles, but they had better not complain when men enter their dressing rooms or bathrooms.

Nor should they complain when thousands of single men from foreign lands enter their communities. In fact, when woke tyrants have their way, housing migrants in private homes could become official policy.


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Black Lives Matter leader in Canadian city charged with anti-Catholic hate crime




Black Lives Matter leader in Canadian city charged with anti-Catholic hate crime

Adora Nwofor, the president of a Black Lives Matter chapter in Calgary, allegedly impeded access to a Catholic school

The leader of the Black Lives Matter movement in the Canadian city of Calgary has been charged with a hate crime after she allegedly impeded access to a Catholic school for reasons of "bias, prejudice, or hate based on race or ethnic origin," according to recent reports.

Initially reported by the Calgary Herald, Adora Nwofor was charged with mischief on June 2 in relation to an incident that occurred on May 26, according to court documents obtained by the outlet. The charges came after Nwofor was "wilfully obstructing and interfering" with the use of a property "primarily used for religious worship and educational purposes," the documents stated.

Nwofor's alleged reasoning behind the interference with people's use of St. Thomas Aquinas School in Calgary, the documents noted, was "for reasons of bias, prejudice, or hate based on race or ethnic origin."



Adora Nwofor, Black Lives Matter

Nwofor, a 47-year-old abortion activist who serves as president for Black Lives Matter YYC, was granted release on a non-cash bail under the condition that she not make contact with staff and faculty members from St. Thomas Aquinas. (TedX, Getty Images)

Appearing before a justice of the peace earlier this month via a video connection, Nwofor, a 47-year-old abortion activist who serves as president for Black Lives Matter YYC, was granted release on a non-cash bail under the condition that she not make contact with staff and faculty members from St. Thomas Aquinas.

Nwofor is prohibited from going within 100 meters of the school, the Calgary Herald reported.

Nwofor's attorney Chad Haggerty did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment on the hate crime charges.

Black Lives Matter protesters in Canada

Black Lives Matter protesters march during a rally marking Juneteenth in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on June 19, 2020. (Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)


In a separate incident, Black Lives Matter activist Taylor McNallie faces charges of misconduct and will learn her fate in court on charges of allegedly assaulting an off-duty sheriff outside the Calgary Courts Centre in April 2021. Also represented by Haggerty, McNallie is accused of assaulting Elena Cunningham with a megaphone during a protest against the assault of a Black woman by a Calgary police officer.

McNallie attested her innocence by claiming that she had only been attempting to recover her cellphone after Cunningham had taken it from her while she had been attempting to film the officer.

Black Lives Matter protesters in Toronto, Canada.

Black Lives Matter signage displayed in a window in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on June 6, 2020. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)


McNallie also faces charges for allegedly pouring water on a photographer and damaging his glasses a week earlier.

Justice Peter Barley is slated to hand down a verdict in McNallie's case on Thursday, and Nwofor's case returns to court on Friday.

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I'll bet his mama is sooo proud of him... NOT !!! Shirtless Man Assaults 75-Year-Old Woman Leaving Macy’s in Manhattan, Repeatedly Kicks Her in Broad Daylight Attack




 A 75 year old woman !!!!


What a "man".... NOT.


What would MLK say about this?





Shirtless Man Assaults 75-Year-Old Woman Leaving Macy’s in Manhattan, Repeatedly Kicks Her in Broad Daylight Attack

A shirtless man assaulted a 75-year-old woman as she left a Macy’s store in Manhattan at Sixth Avenue and West 34th Street over the weekend, according to NYPD.

The assailant started yelling at the elderly woman before he shoved her to the ground and repeatedly kicked her last Saturday afternoon.

The victim was hospitalized with minor injuries.

The assailant is still on the loose.

NYPD Crime Stoppers is asking anyone with information on the attacker to call 1-800-577-8477 (TIPS)

The New York Post reported:

A shirtless stranger shoved and kicked an elderly woman in an unprovoked, broad-daylight attack after she left Macy’s Herald Square over the weekend, cops said.

The 75-year-old victim had just walked out of the flagship store and was crossing the street at Sixth Avenue and West 34th Street around 1:15 p.m. Saturday when the unhinged man approached and started yelling at her, authorities said.

He pushed her to the ground and kicked her multiple times, police said.

The brute took off after the attack, heading south on Sixth Avenue.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Amazon Sells Penis-Themed Neon Signs Listed as “For Kids”


Amazon Sells Penis-Themed Neon Signs Listed as “For Kids”

Amazon sells penis-themed signs.

In a recent, rather scandalous, development, Amazon has come under fire for listing penis-themed neon signs on its website, oddly categorized as “for kids.”

A product on the site labeled “Lick Penis Neon Sign” displays an image of a tongue licking a penis, accompanied by marketing images of young women licking lollipops and staring provocatively into the camera, Daily Caller reported.

There is also an option for a “Flying Penis Neon Sign” that is also advertised as “for kids” and features a picture of a happy little kid next to the sign.

The listings raised eyebrows not only because of its explicit content but also because of its inappropriate categorization as a child-friendly product.

Products are ” suitable for children’s room decoration,” according to the description.

According to Daily Caller, “The listings are under the “Cowboy Frog,” brand, which appears to be Chinese and sells a multitude of neon signs ranging from signs of cowboy frogs to signs of open lighters. The listing also contained a sign featuring a vulva, although it was not explicitly advertised for kids.”

The listings were discovered by Haley Kennington who was looking for some LED signs for her kids.

“I was looking for some LED signs for my kids rooms for fun last night and… “Lick Penis Neon Sign for Wall Decor Led Neon Light for Kids Room” came up in the search. There’s absolutely no excuse for this,” wrote Haley Kennington.

Following the outrage, Amazon removed the products from its website.

Amazon removed the products on its website.

Amazon did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Trans Influencer Flashes Fake Breast on White House Lawn At Biden Prides Event – Calls to Support “Free the Nipple” Movement




Trans Influencer Flashes Fake Breast on White House Lawn At Biden Prides Event – Calls to Support “Free the Nipple” Movement (VIDEO)



Three transgender activists displayed their topless chests at a White House LGBTQ Pride event hosted by Joe Biden over the weekend.

Transgender influencer Rose Montoya posted a video to TikTok on Monday showcasing the disturbing moment. Montoya, assigned male at birth but now living as a woman, playfully covered the nipples of his breasts. Simultaneously, two trans men proudly revealed their mastectomy scars from their chests, Breitbart reported.

I’m sorry but it is impossible to take America seriously when you have transgender women flashing their breasts on the lawn of the White House. Joe Biden has turned your country into an international joke.
I’m sorry but it is impossible to take America seriously when you have transgender women flashing their breasts on the lawn of the White House. Joe Biden has turned your country into an international joke.






The video, which has been widely shared on social media, prompted Montoya to record a follow-up in which she addressed the controversy it sparked among conservative.

Montoya explained, “It has recently come to my attention that conservatives are trying to use the video of me topless at the White House to try to call the community groomers, etc. And I would just like to say that first of all, going topless in Washington DC is legal and I fully support the movement in freeing the nipple.”

She continued that those who deemed her topless display inappropriate were affirming his gender identity. “All you’re doing is affirming that I am a woman. All you’re doing is saying that trans women are women because for some reason people like to sexualize women’s bodies and say that they are inappropriate.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that the “Pride” month cult indoctrination took over the White House Saturday, with the LGBTQI+ flag being flown by the Biden White House on par with the American flag to mark Joe and Jill Biden’s “Pride” month picnic celebration on the South Lawn. The event was postponed from Thursday due to smog from the Canadian wildfires. It has been billed as the largest “Pride” celebration held at the White House.

Biden hung the LGBTQI+ flag on par with the American flag. The U.S. flag must be placed higher than the other flags.

“When displaying the U.S. flag with other flags, the U.S. flag comes first and is centered in the middle of a flag display. In addition, the U.S. flag must be placed higher than the other flags, unless other national flags are present. In that case the U.S. flag would be the same height.”

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

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