Monday, July 24, 2023

ABC made a big deal about ALL Fillapinio cast in musical but what if there was an ALL White cast ? Wouldn't that be seen as KKK?


Double standards?

Don't get me wrong... I believe that EVERYONE should be proud of who they are and where they came from.  




When will white's be able to celebrate their family without people shouting KKK or being accused of being a white supremacist? 

Stand and be proud of your family.... EVERYONE !!!!!


Don't allow anyone blame you for something that happened many years ago and you weren't even alive at the time.


Blame me baby if I did something wrong...If not leave me the hell alone !!

 You can't blame me if I wasn't there. Others are afraid of you....sorry but I'm NOT.


If YOU want to be free to be YOU...... 

WE want to be free to be US.


Deal with it because what's good for ONE is good for ALL !!















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