Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Biden just made a complete FOOL out of the black voters.







Does he really think that they will believe that crap? Oh my god, he is READING the teleprompters of someone ELSE"S words and they are thinking that those are HIS words.


 Someone is HIRED to write his speeches. 

He only "means it" as long as they vote for him.

How stupid !! 


 Hey biden stop treating them like they're DUMB.


And ELMO ????

So the black voters wanted Elmo? 



Then he went to a nightclub and rambled.


Black voters are NOT stupid biden they remember you saying those comments like the famous........."you aint black". 


They are NOT dumb enough to listen to LIES just to get votes!!!!


While YOU have trump in a trial you are TRYING to get the black vote. 











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