Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My friends and family want to know why NO ONE is fighting for them in MIchigan. The Democrats are bullies and spreading lies everywhere.



-They can't even speak up without be bombarded with nasty remarks from everyone around them.

-If having a meal they have to whisper

-If have a cocktail they have to whisper

-If they are in the grocery store they can't have an opinion.

-At their jobs... they have to keep their opinion to themself

-They can't mention that they are Christians.

-It is so bad there. 

-They are so brainwashed with Kam Kam. But don't dare ask them what they like about her because their reasons are..."she will be our first black president", she is going to make things better for us... and I can't remember the other thing they told my friend but it had NOTHING to do with policies.


Good thing I'm not there right now... I don't know if you know it but I have a big mouth and I'm NOT afraid of speaking my mind. Bullies don't scare me.... they make me stronger!!!!




















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