Tuesday, August 6, 2024

PROFILES IN COURAGE: Two Everyday Citizens Run For Critical Offices In Michigan — Here’s Why Their Campaigns Matter







 Sad thing... Michigan local news is pro democrat and Anti (too many to list). 

They only air what THEY want you to hear. And they will only air parts of a speech to make trump or republicans look VERY BAD. They twist the words so much.

People in Michigan are honestly BRAINWASHED by watching abc shows. From 4:30 A.M all day you will hear only PRO Democrat stories. Stories to make them look so nice and kind and helpful.

They NEVER report the TRUTH and that is why people in Michigan will only be dems. It is THEIR way ONLY.

The NEW commercials have people so ticked off today 8-6. I was told she flipping back and forth and making herself sound like all people will only work one job.... not get by but get ahead....etc.




PROFILES IN COURAGE: Two Everyday Citizens Run For Critical Offices In Michigan — Here’s Why Their Campaigns Matter


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