Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Only child followers of taylor swift care ANYTHING about her. Adults DO NOT NEED to follow an entertainer to decide where our vote SHOULD and WILL go.





Boycott/Cancel her until she starts ACTING like a real Hard Working American Citizen!!


Multi million dollar babies voting to keep their money with kam kam. Entertainers, females that play sports etc

Plus those that are..... ok with their own child changing their GENDER behind their parents back and so much more.

 But you know what?... Sometimes you look at mommy and daddy and just "KNOW".

 Her followers are the ones destroying our country not keeping it safe and NOT keeping it STRONG.

Instead of raising big strong men.... they are raising boys that wouldn't know what its like to be a man. They are so sensitive. 

If she doesn't care about what the WORKING Americans are going through... why should you keep throwing money at her making HER RICH and you can barely feed your family.

























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