Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Why won't they ID the Georgia shooter? He has a right to privacy but parents have DEAD children.







 Update... they showed his photo and I REFUSE to give him any space here. Little freaking Jerk. He had an...

"Obsession with Parkland Massacre Revealed".

Mental illness is being thrown around TOO MUCH.

Hey..was he vaxxed?







 Update... MIGHT be charged as an Adult?? Duh.... No Kidding!


 He should have LOST his right to privacy when he PICKED UP THAT GUN.



 The gun didn't do this.... the freaking NUT that picked up the gun and took it to school did this... Stop blaming the WRONG thing.

What the hell is wrong with this world???


Oh wait.... the parents will say something like " he was such a good boy or everyone loved him or he had metal problems or he was misunderstood etc.

Shut the hell up and admit that your baby was so innocent. You go look in the eyes of parents of the DEAD and say "it was a mistake".



















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