Friday, January 22, 2021

Biden’s Covid Cluster: Hundreds of National Guard Troops in D.C. Test Positive or Are in Quarantine After Deployment for Inaugural


Biden’s Covid Cluster: Hundreds of National Guard Troops in D.C. Test Positive or Are in Quarantine After Deployment for Inaugural

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Hundreds of National Guard troops deployed to Washington, D.C. for the Biden inaugural this week have tested positive for the COVID-19 China coronavirus or are in quarantine for exposure to the virus, according to a report by Politico published Friday. Troops have been seen resting and sleeping in close quarters since their arrival at the Capitol last week. Thursday night 5,000 troops were reported to have been ordered to rest in a parking garage on Capitol grounds, prompting outrage among Congressmen and Senators. Because of long shifts that keep them from going back to their hotel rooms in the city, troops have been taking breaks in close quarters.



As thousands of National Guard troops flood into Washington, D.C., coronavirus cases have spiked among them.

Of the roughly 7,000 Guardsmen currently deployed to the District of Columbia, there are now 43 positive cases of COVID-19, Air Force Capt. Tinashe Machona, spokesman for the D.C. National Guard, said in a statement.

‘Packed us together like sardines’: Guard deployed to Capitol struggles to contain Covid
Hundreds of Guard members who poured into Washington after the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol have tested positive for Covid-19 or are quarantining in nearby hotels.

The National Guard has struggled to implement a plan to test troops flowing into and out of Washington, D.C., for Covid-19, with some Guard members being forced to find their own tests and others pressured to leave their quarantine early to report to duty.

Already, hundreds of Guard members who poured into Washington, D.C., after the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol have tested positive for Covid-19 or are quarantining in nearby hotels, three Guard sources said. Guard leadership has declined to release an official number of positive cases, but troops and lawmakers alike worry that the deployment is becoming a superspreader event.

…“I think we’ve got to figure out what went wrong because I think there’s going to be a National Guard presence on campus for the foreseeable future,” Murphy added. (Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT).

“We did not get Covid tests on arrival,” said another Guard member. “Right after the holidays they packed us together like sardines in buses and rooms for this.”

The CDC’s guidelines for quarantining after a negative test — which are recommended following any exposure to the virus because tests are not 100 percent accurate — are increasingly being “completely disregarded,” the Guard member added.

Meanwhile, the National Guard posted this photo after noon on Friday that was taken January 14 captioned, “Soldiers in the Maryland Army National Guard use the soldiers’ backs in front of them to fill out their medical paperwork to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the U.S. Capitol Complex in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 14, 2021. National Guard Soldiers and Airmen from several states have traveled to the District to provide support to federal and district authorities leading up to the 59th Presidential Inauguration. (U.S. National Guard photo by Sgt. Chazz Kibler)”

For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an` Chuck him out, the brute! ”
But it’s ” Saviour of ‘is country ” when the guns begin to shoot;
An’ it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ anything you please;
An ‘Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool – you bet that Tommy sees!

 Tommy, Rudyard Kipling





Last week 43 troops tested positive for the virus, reported Military Times:

Yes I agree that Biden looks very frail



 Harris will be president soon. He really looks awful.


(Mama Harris is already taking care of Biden) Biden Forgets to Salute the Marines During Inauguration – Looks Lost – Kamala Harris Waves at Him Trying to Bring Him Back 

Biden Forgets to Salute the Marines During Inauguration – Looks Lost – Kamala Harris Waves at Him Trying to Bring Him Back



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Joe Biden went to church on Wednesday morning and appeared to not really know where he was at.

President-elect Joe Biden is attending church ahead of his inauguration, a traditional step taken ahead of the swearing-in ceremony.

Biden and incoming first lady Jill Biden on Wednesday are attending a service at Washington’s Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. With them are incoming Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband, Douglas Emhoff

At Biden’s invitation, the first couple is joined by a bipartisan group of members of Congress, including all four top-ranking members of congressional leadership.

After slowly walking up the church steps, Biden looked lost.  He looked around at the top of the stairs as if wondering where he was at.  Kamala Harris waved at him as if to say, ‘Joe we are here’.  Next he turned for pictures to a non-existent crowd.  Only a few politicians were present along with media and some marines.  Next Biden turned and walked into the church holding his wife’s arm showing his need to have her lead him around.  When he entered the church he forgot to (or intentionally didn’t) salute the Marines:

Before entering the church some believe he said to himself, “Salute the Marines”.  This was as if he was hearing someone speak to him through an earpiece.   He may have also said “Good Looking Marines”.  Either way he didn’t salute the marines:

This is not the first time Biden was accused of using an earpiece. There was rumblings Biden wore an earpiece during the debates. reported on January 20th on Joe Biden’s attendance at church on the morning of January 20th:


Biden was also accused of wearing an earpiece during a town hall in the fall:

Clearly Biden’s health has been in question for the past few years.  It’s as if he was propped up so the Democrats and their allies could steal the election not caring who the candidate was.  The media hid his obvious mental deterioration from the US public.

This guy is totally lost.


“Revenge is Inevitable” – Twitter Allows Private News Agency in Iran to Publish Death Threats Against Trump



“Revenge is Inevitable” – Twitter Allows Private News Agency in Iran to Publish Death Threats Against Trump

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Twitter allowed Tasnim News, a private news agency in Iran to publish death threats against Trump.

Tasnim News posted a photo of Trump golfing with a caption that read “Revenge is inevitable”


Screenshot in case of deletion:


Trump was permanently banned from Twitter after being blamed for a pre-planned siege of the US Capitol.

Parler was also punished for the siege at the US Capitol and Big Tech worked together to deplatform Parler for supposedly hosting insurrectionists.

But a news agency operating in Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, is allowed to use Twitter to issue death threats to a former US president without being held accountable.


(Asked Why Joe Biden Violated His Own Mask Mandate) “He Was Celebrating… We Have Bigger Issues to Worry About” – WH Press Sec When Asked Why Joe Biden Violated His Own Mask Mandate (VIDEO)


“He Was Celebrating… We Have Bigger Issues to Worry About” – WH Press Sec When Asked Why Joe Biden Violated His Own Mask Mandate (VIDEO)

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A maskless Joe Biden visited the Lincoln Memorial after signing an Executive Order mandating masks on federal property.

Hours after mandating all peasants wear face masks on federal property, hypocrite Biden visited the Lincoln Memorial without a face mask on.

When asked why Joe Biden violated his own mask mandate, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Biden was “celebrating.”

“We have bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time,” Psaki said brushing off Fox News reporter Peter Doocy.


Psaki also repeatedly referred to Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy as “Steve” which is his father’s name.

Jen Psaki could have saved a lot of time and just said that the rules do not apply to Joe Biden and the Democrats because they are above the law.




OANN: Michelle Malkin, RSBN and Gateway Pundit Suspended on Twitter for Violating New Orwellian “Civic Integrity” Rule (VIDEO)

OANN: Michelle Malkin, RSBN and Gateway Pundit Suspended on Twitter for Violating New Orwellian “Civic Integrity” Rule (VIDEO)

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Last week Twitter banned a Gateway Pundit tweet questioning fraud in the election.


Twitter handed The Gateway Pundit account a 12-hour suspension for questioning the stolen election.  Then upped it to a six-day suspension.  This was doled out in the middle of the night.  Someone on the late shift was targeting us.

The Gateway Pundit is one of the top 120 websites in America today and a leading voice for conservatives.

Only Democrats and Marxists are allowed to question an election.

Twitter suspended the Gateway Pundit account again on Tuesday for another week for violating the “civic integrity” rules.
This is a new Orwellian category that allows Twitter to ban any conservative at will.

Conservative Michelle Malkin and the popular Right Side Broadcasting Network were also suspended this week for violating the “civic integrity” rules.

Of course, Twitter did not even notify GP and others of what tweet violated their new rules.

One America News reported on this latest rule to ban conservative talk on Twitter.


Conservative Michelle Malkin and the popular Right Side Broadcasting Network were also suspended this week for violating the “civic integrity” rules.

Of course, Twitter did not even notify GP and others of what tweet violated their new rules.

One America News reported on this latest rule to ban conservative talk on Twitter.








“This is How Joe Biden’s America Treats Soldiers” – 5,000 Soldiers Moved to Cold Parking Garage with One Bathroom After Protecting Biden Inauguration (PHOTOS)

Please pass this link on


“This is How Joe Biden’s America Treats Soldiers” – 5,000 Soldiers Moved to Cold Parking Garage with One Bathroom After Protecting Biden Inauguration (PHOTOS)


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*Update at end of article*

 A military source in DC told TPUSA Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson that for the last week his battalion had been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria in preparation for Biden’s sham inauguration.

One day after Biden’s inauguration, 5,000 soldiers were moved to a cold parking garage.

There is one power outlet and one bathroom for 5,000 soldiers.

More than 20,000 troops protected Joe Biden’s sham inauguration on Wednesday.

Virtually no one showed up to see senile Joe slur his way through his swearing in ceremony.

Biden had ten times as many military men and women protecting his inauguration today like they do in any lawless banana republic.

After Biden used the soldiers for protection, they were tossed into a cold parking garage near the Capitol building.

story continues below


Benny Johnson: FROM SOURCE:

“Yesterday dozens of senators and congressman walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed.”



Update: After massive backlash, the soldiers were welcomed back into the Capitol building.