Sunday, January 24, 2021

AWKWARD: After Inauguration Bidens Were Locked Out of White House – They Fired Trump Butler and No One Was There to Open the Doors


AWKWARD: After Inauguration Bidens Were Locked Out of White House – They Fired Trump Butler and No One Was There to Open the Doors

y Joe Hoft
Published January 23, 2021 at 12:15pm
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The Clown show continues.  The Daily Mail reported that the Bidens were locked out of the White House on Inauguration day.  President Trump’s butler was fired hours before the inauguration and no one was there to open the door.

The Daily Mail reported on another embarrassing gaffe at the Biden Inauguration.  No one showed up for the Biden’s Inauguration other than soldiers, media and politicians.  This showed what millions believe: Biden stole the 2020 election.  The embarrassing day turned into more of a clown show as the Bidens approached the White House.



Joe and Jill Biden walked through the gates and up to the front doors, only to find the doors wouldn’t open. 

This was reportedly because the incoming administration had fired President Trump’s butler hours before and the butler was the one to greet guests to the White House.

No one was there to open the doors.

How embarrassing. 

To think these people inserted themselves as leaders of the free world.


Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated


Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated

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Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter goons stormed the city hall in Bellingham, Washington on Saturday.

Officials were forced to evacuate the mayor during the violent assault.

Reporter Deedee Sun drove by city hall later.
The area looks like a homeless slum.


Copy and paste the link at the top and read all...... it won't allow me to copy anything from twit 


Please read this whole post. The whitehouse will not allow you to "unfollow" you have to block. Please read this and pass it on.



Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page


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Tech giants keep pushing the BIG LIE.

Instagram is forcing users to follow the Joe Biden White House account because the page had less than a million followers.

Remember: This is the guy who allegedly had 81 million votes and exponentially more popular than Barack Obama!

From a Gateway Pundit reader:  Hoping you pick up this story. If you unfollow or block the White House Instagram account, hours later you are forced to follow it again.  More than half of the followers are being forced to follow the page.  Seems like Instagram is trying to avoid the mainstream media picking up on Biden having less than a million followers.



There are so many people ticked off all over the internet but I am not able to 

show you all images.




I am so worried about biden (as a person). Have you noticed that there always has to be someone to either show him where to walk or where to go.





I am HONESTLY worried about him.


Harris will be pres soon.

I dare you NOT to laugh. The words came out of their mouths about "no genders".





Saturday, January 23, 2021

President Trump Gives Permission for US Troops to Stay at Trump Hotel in Washington DC (VIDEO)




President Trump Gives Permission for US Troops to Stay at Trump Hotel in Washington DC (VIDEO)

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As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – A military source in DC told TPUSA Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson that for the last week his battalion had been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria in preparation for Biden’s sham inauguration.

One day after Biden’s inauguration, 5,000 soldiers were moved to a cold parking garage.

There is one power outlet and one bathroom for 5,000 soldiers.

More than 20,000 troops protected Joe Biden’s sham inauguration on Wednesday.

Virtually no one showed up to see senile Joe slur his way through his swearing-in ceremony.

The military felt completely abandoned by the DC elites.

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This morning OANN reported that President Trump gave permission for the troops to stay at his lavish Trump Hotel in Washington DC.

Trump loves the troops.
It’s just too bad Democrats stole his military vote.

Via Jack Posobiec.





Friday, January 22, 2021

Atlanta-area teen stole nearly $1M from Kroger store over 2 weeks, police say




Atlanta-area teen stole nearly $1M from Kroger store over 2 weeks, police say

Leslie Ignacio

A 19-year-old Atlanta-area teen was arrested Thursday by Gwinnett County police and has been accused of stealing nearly $1 million from a Kroger grocery store.

Police said Tre Brown spent two weeks creating over 40 fake returns to obtain over $980,000 while he was employed at the Steve Reynold Blvd. Kroger between December and January, according to a statement.

The returns ranged from $75 to over $87,000 for non-existent items and were placed on several credit cards, detectives said. Corporate employees noticed the transactions and contacted police.

Further investigation showed Brown appears to have used the money to buy clothes, guns, shoes and two cars, police said. Prior to his arrest, police said Brown totaled one of the cars.

A large sum of money was returned after Brown's arrest, but the amount is unknown, according to police. Brown has been charged with theft.

No attorney was immediately listed for Brown.