Wednesday, January 27, 2021

(Pass this around......Today Virginia... tomorrow EVERY STATE)...Virginia Citizens Defense League

 Everyone has a right to defend themselves.




Virginia Citizens Defense League

   Defending Your Right to Defend Yourself



VCDL Lobby Day, January 18, 2021 #Rolling4the2A #VCDL

Lobby Day 2021 came off with only a few minor issues, mostly with Richmond shutting of roads and redirecting traffic unexpectedly.  No violence, just a lot of patriots sending a strong message to the General Assembly to keep their hands off our gun rights.  More information will follow once the General Assembly session is finished.

Link to watch the speakers at Lobby Day 2021:

Audio podcast version:

One of four caravan buses (Fairfax), each with a different message on gun rights:

Hampton bus:

Video showing long line of cars from first, and smallest, caravan.  Taken from inside the bus:

Photo from the first caravan bus in Richmond showing long line of decked out vehicles:


Arial photography and video (to be released later) taken from the VCDL Freedom-1 helicopter:

Some of the vehicles ready to participate in Lobby Day:


Sampling of media coverage:

ACTION ITEM: Major Campaign to Prevent Any Local Gun-Control

As of July 1, cities, counties, and towns can strip you of your rights by passing gun control that forbids you from carrying in local government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, and at permitted events and adjacent streets!

If we let localities do this, we will have a massive spiderweb of gun control across the Commonwealth.  That spiderweb is exactly what the gun-grabbers want.  It makes carrying a gun such a headache because you have to know the gun laws of over 193 localities instead of just knowing state law. And it reduces where you can carry.  Gun-controllers want to keep expanding that prohibited location list until gun owners will just leave their guns at home out of pure frustration.

It has already happened in the cities of Alexandria and Richmond, emboldening other localities to do the same!  The ONLY way to stop it from spreading to YOUR community is to contact your local government officials via email and, optionally, telephone (a link to the suggested email is below).  You need to spread this message to everyone in Virginia that you know.  That includes friends, family, neighbors, and everyone at your local gun stores, gun ranges, hunt club, civic group, church, etc.

We need an overwhelming response from gun owners, similar to what we saw last year with the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement!

The email calls for your local government to pass a model resolution that VCDL has tailored to each locality. The resolution creates a commitment by the local government to refuse to pass any gun control, even though a new law gives them the power to do so.

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is we get localities to pass the resolution.  With any luck the vast majority of the state will not create any local gun-control, but only if you do your part.  It doesn't matter if your locality is a strong Second Amendment Sanctuary, where it should be fairly easy to get the resolution passed, or if your locality is part of Russia for all practical purposes.  We need to do this statewide.  And don't let Alexandria or Richmond off the hook, either!


Click on this link to go to the VCDL webpage with instructions, a sample email, and the links to the custom resolution for all the various localities:

If you can, follow up with your local government representative with a phone call.

Let's roll!  We must beat back all local gun-control efforts, not allowing any more of them to take root!

NEW:  List of localities that have passed the "No local gun-control" resolution

Since July 13, 2020, we now have 38 counties, towns, and cities that have either passed a "No local gun-control" resolution or have covered that issue with their Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution from earlier this year!
  • Amelia
  • Amherst (county)
  • Appomattox (county)
  • Bedford (county), covered by Sanctuary resolution
  • Botetourt, covered by Sanctuary resolution
  • Burkeville
  • Charlotte
  • Chesapeake
  • Colonial Heights, covered by Sanctuary resolution
  • Crewe
  • Culpeper (county)
  • Culpeper (town)
  • Fauquier, covered by Sanctuary resolution
  • Franklin (county)
  • Frederick
  • Front Royal
  • Gloucester
  • Goshen
  • Grayson
  • Greene
  • Halifax
  • King William
  • Madison
  • Northumberland
  • Page, covered by Sanctuary resolution
  • Patrick
  • Pittsylvania
  • Powhatan
  • Pulaski (county), covered by Sanctuary resolution
  • Rappahannock
  • Rocky Mount
  • Rural Retreat
  • Scott
  • Smyth
  • Southampton, covered by Sanctuary resolution
  • Spotsylvania
  • Stafford
  • Wythe

2021 Legislative Session

The 2021 Legislative Session has started and the gun-control bills that have been introduced are truly frightening.  VCDL will be there to fight for your rights at every step and keep you informed.

To see the bills we are tracking, use our  2021 Legislative Tracking Tool.

VCDL Lobby Day 2020: Monday, January 20, 2020


WRAP UP link

VCDL held the most important Lobby Day Rally that we have ever had on Monday January 20th, 2020!

THANK YOU to the estimated 30-70K people who attended!

For more details:

  • Sign up for VCDL's FREE VA-ALERT for the latest updates on  legislation status
Past information:

Second Amendment Sanctuaries - Fighting Back Against Tyranny!

A Second Amendment Sanctuary is any locality that says it will not enforce any unconstitutional (federal or state) gun laws!  Many sheriffs are going to take the County's lead on this and county police could be told not to enforce such laws either.  (Law enforcement officers do not have to, and shouldn't, enforce any unconstitutional laws.)

NOTE:  Just because a locality is a sanctuary doesn't mean you can't be arrested.  We must stop the gun-control bills from ever becoming law.  This fight will take at least two years, so stay engaged!  Attend Lobby Day to help convince the General Assembly to defeat all gun-control bills.

Since November 6, 2019, we now have 147 Second Amendment Sanctuary counties, towns, and cities!

Click Here to See Entire List

Don't see your county?  Send an email with each Board of Supervisors' name, email address, and phone number in the body of the message (ie, no screen shots or attachments please) to:

You can also contact your Supervisor and send them this link to VCDL's model Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution: 

Massive turnouts for Board of Supervisors meetings!

Amelia County - standing room only, with crowd overllow through the hall and down to the front of the building.  Estimated 600 people.

Shenandoah County - estimated 1,000 gun owners at the meeting, which overflowed into the parking lot!

Louisa County - estimated 600 to 800:

August County - estimated 2,000 people.  Massive overflow outside, too:

Virginia Beach - estimated 1,500 people.  Overflow outside:

Floyd County - estimated over 1,000

Prince George - estimated 600 to 800

Colonial Heights

Spotsylvania County - estimated well over 1,000

Prince William County - estimated well over 1,000

Smyth County - over 1,000

Caroline County - over 600

Bedford County - 1,500+

Chesapeake - over 1,000

Rockingham County - 2,000+

Russell County - over 1,000 in attendance

Fauquier County - 2,000+ in attendance

Lancaster County

Chesterfield County - 1,500

VCDL's Fight Song

Many thanks to Kenneth Hall for recording VCDL's fight song!

Deadly Gun-Free Killing Zones

Since 1950, 98% of public mass-shootings have occurred in so called "gun-free zones," which clearly were gun free in name only.  To learn more about why mass murderers love gun-free zones, click here.

Win a Gun - VCDL's 2020 Membership Contest is running until December 31, 2020

The top five people who recruit new VCDL members this year will receive a firearm!  The next five people will receive ammunition!

When recruiting a new member, be sure to put your membership number on their application form in the space provided.

People Are Talking About VCDL

“... to be honest … [VCDL has] been really successful in preventing our legislators from passing any meaningful [gun-control] legislation on this issue [universal background checks].”

Stephanie Soechtig, Director "Under the Gun"
June 2, 2016

"The VCDL...regards being armed as 'a fundamental human right,' favors concealed carry on K-12 school property, and maintains a Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund."

Nashville Scene commentator Bruce Barry
April 29, 2016 

“VCDL, which prides itself on being more radical than the National Rifle Association (NRA) with stickers that say 'guns save lives,' supports allowing guns on school grounds, on college campuses, in libraries and government facilities and in bars. They oppose closing the gun show loophole and universal background checks.”

State Senator Mark Herring (currently the Virginia Attorney General) August 2, 2013

“... the Virginia Citizens Defense League, the commonwealth’s dominant gun lobby.”

Roanoke Times Metro Columnist Dan Casey - Jan 6, 2013

“The law was a victory for the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a gun-rights organization that makes the NRA look moderate.”

Eleanor Clift – Politics Daily – July 5, 2010

“[VCDL] campaigns for the right of gun owners to tote firepower in all kinds of places … including outdoor festivals and college campuses.”

The Daily Press – Oct 20, 2007

“Virginia Citizens Defense League . . . is on a mission to root out every nugget of gun control it can detect in Virginia. It has been behind campaigns to make sure concealed weapons are allowed in local government buildings, even civic centers, and fought to open up state and local parks to concealed weapons.”

The Daily Press – Nov 27, 2006

“They’re pretty effective, I have to give them credit.”

Jim Sollo, Chairman of Virginians Against Handgun Violence

Virginian Pilot – Nov 11, 2002


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Help with French/Canadian recipe that I had as a young child.



 These people that made these sandwiches were french/canadian.

It is a sandwich. Some kind of "loaf" meat. 

sounds like "Grit-tah".


please help after looking for 60 years.


made in bread pan lined with foil. put in fridge to "set".

slice (?) and put on white bread with yellow mustard.



Two faced idiots



People that are TWO faced will be called out and it will bite them.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Expert Michael Yon Looked for Cells at Capitol Protests and Immediately Identified Antifa and Others

Expert Michael Yon Looked for Cells at Capitol Protests and Immediately Identified Antifa and Others

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Expert Michael Yon confirms again that Antifa very much led the attack at the Capitol on January 6th. 

We reported Yon’s work before at both the Capitol and in Hong Kong:



Yon again reported that Antifa clearly led the attack and his report was discussed on the Morgan Streetman Show:

Yon also was on AON where he shared the same with Jack Posobiec.

The entire Capitol attack was led by Antifa and others to make the President and his followers look bad.






Antifa? Three Provocateurs Dressed All In Black Caught Changing Into Trump Attire [VIDEO]




Antifa? Three Provocateurs Dressed All In Black Caught Changing Into Trump Attire [VIDEO]

By Patty McMurray | Jan 20, 2021

Three men dressed in all black, (which is typical of members of the violent left-wing, domestic terror group, Antifa) were captured on video hiding under a tree while quickly dressing from all black into Trump t-shirts and sweatshirts.  As the unidentified cameraman approaches them and zooms in on their change of apparel, one of the men notices they’re being filmed and becomes agitated. A woman can be heard shouting at the cameraman to delete the video. “Delete that!” she shouts, as the cameraman appears to run away with the footage that reveals the duplicitous nature of these leftist thugs.

It’s not clear where this footage was taken, but it’s possible this footage was taken at the Capitol on January 6, as you can hear “USA! USA!” being chanted in the background. The woman who posted the video is claiming it was taken at the Capitol building, but we have no clear evidence to prove her claim. Police barricades can be seen on the street next to the tree where the 3 men are changing into Trump gear, which would indicate that the protest is taking place near a government building.


Trending: Candace Owens Shares Photo Of Her Beautiful New Baby Boy With British Husband George Farmer

The video, which has now been viewed by thousands, has yet to make its way to fake news CNN where Anderson Cooper would surely admit how the left doesn’t play by the same rules as everyone else—wouldn’t he? Or would the CNN host instead, interview the quick-change artists and treat them like journalists, or as innocent “left-wing activists,” you know, as he did when he interviewed Antifa leader John Sullivan after the Capitol siege, who just happened to be standing next to Ashli Babbit when she was shot to death inside the Capitol building. Sullivan, who was recently seen in one of his own videos, addressing a crowd in Utah, where he explained how they’re going to rip President Trump out of the White House before he has a chance to serve a second term, has since been arrested and charged in the Capitol riots.


This isn’t the first time someone who appears to be a member of Antifa has been caught changing their appearance in an effort to trick people into believing they’re a Trump supporter.

Last week, we shared an incredible video interview analysis with the Epoch Times, Japanese investigative journalist Misako Ganaha, where she describes the events that took place only moments before the murder of Ashli Babbit by a Capitol Police officer inside the US Capitol building on January 6, 2020.

At around the 3:25 mark, Ganaha discusses a particularly telling moment when, after encouraging the violence that led to Ashli Babbit’s death, one of the agitators steps away, behind the officers and down the stairs behind police in order to change clothes, in what appears to be an effort to prevent himself from being recognized from a moment before when he has been breaking the glass on doors and agitating the crowd.

Is the male dressed in all black that Ganaha analyzes a Trump supporter or an agent provocateur? You be the judge.


Has anyone noticed that Harris normally is in the color black with black mask?




I think she hates colors.



Top Conservative Leader Tom Fitton Is Still Suspended by Twitter 7 Days After a 7 Day Suspension for Tweeting the Truth on HCQ

Top Conservative Leader Tom Fitton Is Still Suspended by Twitter 7 Days After a 7 Day Suspension for Tweeting the Truth on HCQ

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Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch was censored by Twitter for 7 days on January 9th. 

Big Tech, Big Media, the Democrats and foreign states are doing all they can to prevent any mention of Joe Biden’s election steal away from President Trump.  We’ve never seen anything like this in a country that once valued free speech. Fitton is a leader in the conservative movement.

Fitton posted a truthful tweet on the drug Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that continues to prove its success in treating the China virus.

There are now over 193 international studies that prove the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus, especially when administered at the onset of the disease.

The tech giants would rather see tens of thousands of innocent people die than allow this information out to the public.  We have never seen anything like this.

On Saturday we heard word that Tom Fitton is still suspended off of Twitter — 14 days later.  Tom is a leading voice for truth in this nation.

Maybe family members should start a class action suit against Twitter for knowingly hiding a successful Coronavirus treatment from the American public?

Tom Fitton wrote about this on Facebook: