Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Oh my God.... I heard a guy say that the black community is PRETENDING to get along with "brown" just to take over their buisnesses....



 "We hate dem guys"



( how freaking rude.)


Shouldn't these freaking protesters be at work instead of protesting everything from the day of the week to the taste of milk? ( exaggeratingf course)


They protest during the day and at night

Where the hell are they getting their money? 


From the Government ???

Creepy Bill Gates Calls For Global Alert System and “Pandemic Fire Squad” For “Next Pandemic” (VIDEO)




Creepy Bill Gates Calls For Global Alert System and “Pandemic Fire Squad” For “Next Pandemic” (VIDEO)

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Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates called for a “global alert system” and “pandemic fire squad” for the “next pandemic.”

“When it comes to preventing pandemics, scientific tools alone aren’t enough. We also need new capabilities, including a global alert system and infectious disease first responders, or what I like to call a pandemic fire squad,” Bill Gates said.

Gates is looking forward to the next pandemic so he can roll out his “mega testing diagnostic platforms” which could test 20% of the entire population every week – to hell with the Constitution.

Basically no one will have privacy.

Testing and contact tracing will be the “new normal” in order to track everyone on planet earth in real time.

And Bill Gates wonders why millions of Americans don’t trust him.

Bill Gates told Reuters on Wednesday how surprised he was with the “crazy conspiracy theories” that have been circulating on social media about him and Anthony Fauci in regard to the coronavirus.

Bill Gates told Reuters: “Do people really believe that stuff? We’re going to have to get educated about this over the next year and understand how does it change people’s behavior, how should we have minimized this either working with the social media companies or explaining what we are up to in a better way.”




White children need to be taught THEIR history in school also...History is for ALL not just for SOME.



Just because you tear the page out of the book....doesn't make it go away.

Just because the statue was taken down...doesn't mean the man's history did.


Teach ALL your children about history !!!!! 


Don't make them think that ONLY ONE race is special or important.

ALL RACES MATTER  (that statement is for THIS post).

Words put together are not patented.  Should I have said ALL RACES IN HISTORY MATTER? Hell no that sounds stupid.)

DC Public Schools Using Black Lives Matter Curriculum That Prioritizes ‘Disrupting the Nuclear Family’




DC Public Schools Using Black Lives Matter Curriculum That Prioritizes ‘Disrupting the Nuclear Family’

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DC Public Schools have announced that they will be using a race-based curriculum sent out by Black Lives Matter to teach students during Black History Month.

An email sent to parents refers to children as “communal children” and prioritizes “disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.”

According to a report from the Daily Wire, who obtained the email, the program calls for allowing everyone to “choose their own gender,” even children in elementary school.

The critical race theory-based curricula uses Black Lives Matter’s “13 Guiding Principles,” which the Wire reports pushes for “queer and transgender affirmation and ‘restorative justice,’ among other priorities. The guide calls for the dismantling of the ‘patriarchal practice’ of requiring mothers to parent their children while also participating in ‘justice work.'”

We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another,” the guide reads. “Especially ‘our’ children.”

The Nationalist Review reported on this curriculum back in August, reporting that “schools in Massachusetts, Maryland, California, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, North Carolina and many more have all signed onto the effort. Multiple teachers’ unions have signed onto the effort as well.”

The NR also notes that it directly pushes globalism.

“Globalism means that we are thinking about all the different people all over the world, and thinking about the ways to keep things fair everywhere,” their guide states.

The school district’s email also linked parents to Teaching Tolerance, which is a branch of the activist Southern Poverty Law Center network.

Dozens of people were killed and thousands of businesses were destroyed during Black Lives Matter’s violent riots in 2020.






BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Tearing Down Barricades at Rochester Police Station




BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Tearing Down Barricades at Rochester Police Station


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Militant Black Lives Matter activists toppled barricades protecting the Rochester Police Department on Monday evening.

The activists were angry over a police officer pepperspraying a 9-year-old child that was threatening to hurt herself and her mother. When police attempted to transport her to a local hospital for treatment, she began kicking and fighting with the officers.

The department is investigating the incident.

“I’m not saying there are not better ways to do things,” Mike Mazzeo, the president of the city’s police union, told the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle. “But let’s be realistic about what we’re facing. … It’s not TV, it’s not Hollywood. We don’t have a simple [situation], where we can put out our hands and have somebody instantly be handcuffed and comply.”

“He made a decision there that he thought was the best action to take. It resulted in no injury to her.”

In response, Black Lives Matter mobilized and marched to the police station.

After night fell, they began to escalate from a peaceful protest, to tearing down barricades — seemingly attempting to gain entry.