Monday, April 26, 2021

Just another FEMALE THUG..The kind that just wants to find a reason to be loud and demonstrate........Oscars Opens With Actress Saying ‘If Things Had Gone Differently This Week in Minneapolis, I Might Have Traded My Heels for Marching Boots’ (VIDEO)




Oscars Opens With Actress Saying ‘If Things Had Gone Differently This Week in Minneapolis, I Might Have Traded My Heels for Marching Boots’

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The Oscars is off to a sickeningly woke start, opening with an actress saying that “if things had gone differently this past week in Minneapolis, I might have traded in my heels for marching boots.”

Actress Regina King, who had a supporting role in Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde, kicked off the show by talking about the Derek Chauvin trial.




I believe that everyone has the right to freedom of speech but to demonstrate and yell and scream like animals is NOT alright. Be an adult not a child.


I'm not wasting my space on this blog... go to the link below for the rest of this THUG story. 


Sunday, April 25, 2021

The next time you need help.... DO NOT call police. YOU want them gone?? ...... Deal with it yourself





Deal with it yourself....You wanted cops gone..... oh well !!

(Boy it's a good thing they stepped down all becuse they wanted their privacy. They are in the public eye MORE NOW.)Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Feud with the Royal Family Could "Topple" the Monarchy.......




They aren't admired by real adults.... they are just little children throwing temper tantrums. Most are GLAD they are gone.




Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Feud with the Royal Family Could "Topple" the Monarchy

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Feud with the Royal Family Could "Topple" the Monarchy
Kayleigh Roberts
  • According to royal expert and author Anna Pasternak, "The Sussexes have sparked something so fundamentally incendiary in this country that it is changing the face of Britain, and I think the monarchy as an archaic institution may well topple."

  • Pasternak also speculates that the changing views of the royal family could lead to Prince Charles being passed over in the line of succession in favor of his son, Prince William, who is seen by the public as "younger, more relatable."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's ongoing issues with the rest of the royal family could have a huge impact on the future of the monarchy.

Speaking to Vanity Fair for its May cover story, royal expert Anna Pasternak, author of Princess in Love and The Real Wallis Simpson: A New History of the American Divorcee Who Became the Duchess of Windsor, predicted that Harry and Meghan's "feud" with the royals could lead to the end of the monarchy as we know it—at least once Queen Elizabeth II's reign is over, that is.

"I’m not 100 percent sure that we will see Charles ascend to the throne," Pasternak said. "The Sussexes have sparked something so fundamentally incendiary in this country that it is changing the face of Britain, and I think the monarchy as an archaic institution may well topple."

While she believes the monarchy will remain in place until the Queen dies, Pasternak predicts that the issues the Sussexes' have raised could result in a change to the current line of succession. "It may be that there is such a groundswell of public opinion against [Charles] that it’s deemed by the firm preferable for William to ascend then because he’s younger, more relatable," she explained.


As for the Sussexes' future with the monarchy, Pasternak said that "both sides are like wounded animals" and suggested that Meghan may never return to the United Kingdom after everything she's been through.

"I truly wonder if Meghan will ever set foot on British soil again," Pasternak said.


Don't let these jerks tell your kids they should be ashamed of their skin color or how their parents make money (doctors etc)


The schools want kids to feel bad about being white, Asian or brown and make black kids feel Superior over all. 

Don't let your child or Grandchildren ever apologize for their skin color. Make them KNOW that they are strong, kind and don't need violence to prove their point.


Do NOT let these kids get bullied by the school system. 


YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT they are teaching the kids.  Go do your own research.




Friday, April 23, 2021

What do you do when you don't have a life? you travel from state to state and protest...JUST TO PROTEST.



Oh that's right.... the Government is paying you to NOT work.


You are useless !!

ABC....NBC....CBS....CNN ETC.... what are you hiding? Why won't you show photos of "shooters"? Black or White or Brown..... WE deserve to know the TRUTH.


 Way too many Shooters/Gunmen out there and people need to know the truth.

Do you think that readers are TOO STUPID to wait for details before judging? Do you really?



Pass this on...Live cameras........Arizona Senate’s Audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results is Ready to Go – WATCH LIVE from Your iPhone or Home Computer

for more true stories click link above



Arizona Senate’s Audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results is Ready to Go – WATCH LIVE from Your iPhone or Home Computer

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This may be the most transparent audit in US history.  The auditors selected by the Arizona Senate are providing video access to the world of their audit activities in real-time. 

The auditors are prepared and ready to begin their audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results.  This has been a long process but this day has finally come.  Today the machines and ballots were moved to the Veterans Memorial Coliseum at the State Fairgrounds where they will be audited.

They also set up nine cameras that will be available the entire time the audit takes place.  For the next three or so weeks if you wish to see what is going on, you will be able to log on to and watch the audit while it is happening.

This site will be showing the activities in the coliseum non-stop for the next few weeks.

We are praying that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors doesn’t step in again and attempt to prevent the audit from happening.  To date and since the election, they have done all they could to not make this day happen.  They have even sued the Senate to stop this audit.

Also, last week we saw Big Tech prevent messages from being shared for volunteers to help with this exercise.

 We’ve seen the media continue to berate those who demanded this audit saying it was not necessary while discounting the millions of Americans who believe the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump:


We have seen lawyers connected to the top of the Democrat Party interject and threaten the auditors for performing the work they are hired to do:

And General Flynn has warned that BLM and Antifa may show up and try to stop the audit:


The Senate and those Americans who wanted this audit to take place have taken so much heat to get to this point and they should be commended and given medals.  It’s not over.  Tomorrow it begins.