Sunday, February 26, 2023

Al Sharpton’s Brother Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion, Mail Fraud, Drug Conspiracy Charges, Faces 20 Years in Prison



Al Sharpton’s Brother Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion, Mail Fraud, Drug Conspiracy Charges, Faces 20 Years in Prison









Al Sharpton’s half-brother Kenneth Glasgow pleaded guilty to tax fraud, mail fraud and drug conspiracy charges and is facing 20 years in prison.

Kenneth Glasgow, an Alabama minister and ‘voting rights activist’ failed to pay income taxes on money he withdrew from his charities.

Glasgow also committed Social Security fraud, AP reported.


Al Sharpton and his brother Kenneth Glasgow


Fox News reported:

Rev. Al Sharpton’s half-brother pleaded guilty to tax evasion, mail fraud, and drug conspiracy charges on Friday.

Kenneth Glasgow, an Alabama pastor, voting rights activist and half-brother to the famous Black pastor and MSNBC host, entered a guilty plea in Montgomery, Alabama federal court Friday, the Associated Press recently reported.

Glasgow’s plea deal allowed the pastor to avoid a trial for his charges that would’ve been held in March. The pastor will be sentenced at a later date.

In addition to his ministry, Glasgow founded “The Ordinary People Society.” The non-profit’s website describes it as a “faith-based organization that offers hope, without regard to race sex, creed, color or social status, to individuals and their families who suffer the effects of drug addiction, incarceration, homelessness, unemployment, hunger and illness.”

He also founded the “Prodigal Child Project,” another non-profit that says “organizes pastors in the southern U.S. in support of prisoners, former prisoners, their families, and communities.”

AP stated that Glasgow claimed “Social Security disability benefits by falsely claiming on mailed forms that he had trouble driving.” However, prosecutors noted that the minister received several traffic citations between 2015 and 2020 providing evidence that he had been driving.

In addition to fraud, Sharpton’s half-brother pleaded guilty to a drug conspiracy charge. He was recently found in possession of cocaine he was intent on distributing. Glasgow had also been charged with a drug conspiracy charge in 2021 along with an accomplice.

Refusing to pay taxes must run in the family.

In 2014 it was reported Al Sharpton owed $4.7 million in state and federal back taxes.














Saturday, February 25, 2023

I NEVER saw color until my race keeps getting blamed for OTHERS lives. YOU make your OWN life.... blame YOURSELF.




I am working my ass off to get what I have.... YOU can do the stop b!tching and playing like you're a victim. 


If you do NOT know me PERSONALLY....stop blaming me.


YOUR life is the way it is because YOU make your own life.


The race card gets thrown into everything now. 


You hated it for years that you weren't treated fairly but now YOU ARE HATING ALL WHITE PEOPLE. 

So sad... because I have always loved everyone and treated them the way they treat me. Well I will continue to do exactly that (still).



It was always PROPER to only say things that would NEVER hurt feelings. That time is long gone and the words are flying at stores, gas stations, from neighbors etc. 

No longer staying silent against those.






WV Department of Environmental Protection Issues Statement About Mysterious White Dust That Snowed Down in Part of the State



WV Department of Environmental Protection Issues Statement About Mysterious White Dust That Snowed Down in Part of the State







The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has issued a statement about mysterious white dust that snowed down in the Eastern Panhandle of the state, as well as parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

The agency said that while they still do not know what it is, they are not issuing a shelter in place advisory.

Hundreds of people took to social media on Thursday night to post photos and videos of the dust in the air and covering their vehicles.

“West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) is working with state and local agencies to investigate large amounts of dust across multiple counties in West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle,” the agency said in a statement.

“The WVDEP received reports late Thursday night about the dust and mobilized inspectors to the area to collect samples and identify potential sources. No obvious sources have been identified at this time,” the agency continued.


The agency continued, “no shelter in place advisories have been issued for this area.”

“We have staff on site who are coordinating with our state and local partners to identify the material and any potential causes,” said WVDEP Division of Air Quality Director Laura Crowder.

The WVDEP said that they are working with the Berkeley County Office of Emergency Services and the state Department of Agriculture to collect additional samples and have them analyzed.

“Samples will also be taken to the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey in Morgantown to determine if the cause of the dust is related to recent dust storms in the Midwest,” the statement continued. “The West Virginia Department of Agriculture, West Virginia Division of Emergency Management Division (WVEMD) and the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office are also investigating the situation.”

A Facebook page that tracks emergencies in the Panhandle, Eastern Panhandle Working Fires, was early to post about the dust.

“Call 911!! Per The WV Dept of Environmental Protection, they have requested that anybody experiencing these issues call 911 immediately and have their local fire department respond. They also advise to shut doors and windows and avoid outdoors at this time as a common sense approach until it can be identified,” a post on the page read.



Dozens of people posted photos and videos in the comments.

In a later post, the page stated, “EPWF is an informational venue. While we may not agree with the DEPs assessment to call 911 to have local FDs respond; it is, in fact, the requested action by the governing agency responsible. We are just passing that information on. If you believe WV DEP response was inadequate or overkill, please contact them directly.”

Jefferson County, WV Homeland Security, and Emergency Management posted that “our office has been following the reports of the dust seen throughout the Eastern Panhandle of WV. The attached post from one of the meteorologists connected with a TV station in WV seems to be able to provide some knowledgeable insight into the observations. We will be following up with further information from the State as it becomes available.”

They pointed to another local meteorologist, Spencer Adkins, who wrote, “clearly ‘stuff in the air’ is a concern anywhere in the entire region after East Palestine but satellite scientists pointed the dust plume out early Thursday because it was pretty evident. Think how we often see smoke from fires even farther west in summer.”

Dozens of people in the area posted photos and videos of the dust raining down from the sky like snow, despite it being warm outside.

Some people in the Panhandle reported seeing a small plane before the dust, others speculated it was pine pollen, and some insisted it was a dust storm from New Mexico.

Local meteorologist Justin Berk posted, “WHAT IS FALLING FROM THE CLEAR SKY? I’ve just been informed from West Virginia to Carroll County MD there seems to be White ASH falling and coating. Michael Triplett sent me a pic of the ‘stuff’ on his truck in Westminster. If you have any additional pics/videos, please share and let us know where. The WV Dept of Environmental Protection has been asking for this as well. I want to help figure this out with you.”

The Hampshire County 911 Center posted “We are aware of recent reports of an unknown dust-like substance accumulating on cars and surfaces outside. This is reportedly occurring across the tri-state region. We are aware of some other social media sites that have advised you to contact 911 if you witness this situation. Although you are more than welcome to contact our 911 center, we ask you to use the non-emergency number for this. (304-822-6000). Be prepared to give your name, address and contact information, so that we may log the information for environmental agencies if needed.”

“If you are experiencing this heavy dust substance at your residence, per the office of emergency management, remain inside and turn off any devices that introduce outside air into your residence,” the post continued. “Responders will not be responding for sightings of this substance, unless a medical emergency or another type of emergency is present.”

Some of the people who went outside reported that their throat was burning and that their skin was itchy.

Similar dust fell in Connecticut last week — and it reportedly smelled like chlorine.

“Some have speculated that it could be chemicals from the train derailment in Ohio earlier this month. NBC Connecticut meteorologists aren’t sure that could be the case since the fire and chemical release from that derailment happened two weeks ago,” NBC Connecticut reported.

“NBC Connecticut Chief Meteorologist says it’s possible the residue is from dust kicked up from a dust storm in the Plains a few days ago. He says he smelled a chlorine-like odor in West Hartford Friday morning, but he doesn’t have an explanation for that.”

The Gateway Pundit will update this story when more informat





Friday, February 24, 2023

Florida teacher on leave after accusation he had White students bow to Black students in his classroom

 (What the hell would happen if it was reversed? Riots in the streets...etc)


Florida teacher on leave after accusation he had White students bow to Black students in his classroom

'It was in good fun. There was no political agenda behind it,' the teacher said


A Florida teacher who was accused of having White students in his classroom bow to Black students is on leave. 

Ethan Hooper, a middle school teacher in Ocala, Florida, posted the videos to his personal social media which went viral after being shared by the popular right-wing account Libs of TikTok.

One of the videos Hooper posted showed White students acting like servants to Black students in the class in honor of Black History Month. White students were shown in the video fanning and feeding Black students.

"It was in good fun. There was no political agenda behind it," the teacher said. He said the video was being "maliciously used."

"I am deeply apologetic toward the students and parents of those involved. I am also sorry to the students who weren’t involved," Hooper said. "I want to be an example for them. If this does not match up with what they viewed [of me], I am truly sorry. My heart is for my students and the parents, first and foremost."

The Orange County Public School District, said, "[We] will not tolerate the use of our children as political pawns by anyone, including a classroom teacher."

"Any employee who creates videos or other content with students in an effort to exploit them for political purposes will be immediately removed from the classroom, placed on administrative leave, and swift action will be taken to terminate employment."

Ethan Hooper was put on leave after social media videos were exposed.

Ethan Hooper was put on leave after social media videos were exposed. (Fox News Digital)

Some students and parents spoke out in favor of Hooper, saying that they wanted to participate in the video. 

"We all agreed to it," said a student in Hooper's class. "He didn’t really do anything wrong."

"The fact that the students really devised the content specifically means that it’s something that matters to them. And to say that they were used as pawns is false," a mom in the district said, according to WESH.

She continued, "The other example my daughter showed me was for Black History Month. They put some Black students on the chairs, and then the White students were fanning them and making them comfortable. You know, it’s awesome, it’s beautiful, it’s celebratory, and I loved it."

However, overall the district administration turned on Hooper.

"I am appalled at the behavior and judgment of the teacher who posted the inappropriate videos," Superintendent Maria Vazquez said in a statement. "This is not free speech — it is the exploitation of our students for political purposes, and it will not be tolerated in our school district."


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Trump is NOT the president. You can only blame the future pres if he DIDN'T change what Trump signed.


Biden has been in office for years....he could change anything Trump did.


Oh that's right....they think you are DUMB ENOUGH to believe the stuff they blame on OTHERS.



Wednesday, February 22, 2023

FOX has let everyone down . It didn't matter if you liked them or hated them. The news is still the news. Goodbye !




News is news... We do our own research and know what to believe but we want the darn story.


Goodbye .... we don't need you. And we put you where we put ABC...NBC....CBS....CNN.


We would keep an open mind and listen to ALL the stations like we have for many years but now it is ONLY THEIR OPINION that will be told or shown. So Sad.





Tuesday, February 21, 2023

You will get the award or raise in pay etc IF YOU DESERVE IT !!!


 They do NOT give AWARDS OR RAISE IN PAY to the SKIN.


Do the freaking work, deserve it and maybe win it. 


Stop your crying, you sound stupid blaming skin.