Monday, July 24, 2023

What the hell?? Do YOU think this is okay?) Journalist Fighting to Obtain Nashville Shooter Manifesto Receives Chilling Death Threat: ‘I’ll Go to Prison to End You’


 (please read every word)

Journalist Fighting to Obtain Nashville Shooter Manifesto Receives Chilling Death Threat: ‘I’ll Go to Prison to End You’

The fight to pull the manifesto of school shooter Audrey Hale from the grip of authorities brought danger to one journalist-businessman who has filed a lawsuit to learn what the killer wrote before the massacre at a Nashville Christian school in March that left three children and three adults dead.

Radio talk show host Michael Patrick Leahy, who has filed a lawsuit to release the manifesto, received an ugly threat July 9, according to Just the News.

Leahy is also CEO of The Star News Network and Star News Digital Media Inc.

“Michael Patrick Leahy … if it were not illegal to beat your ass up … I’d have done it months ago. I have called your show twice because you decided to pound home the transgender Audrey Hale while people who suffered were healing. You dirty potato eating Mick. If I see you on the street … I’m going to end your conservative slant eye a–,” an email to Leahy declared.

“I’m willing to go to prison to end you. You dirty drug addict eyed Irish fool. You either end your talk show or I’ll end your life in real time while you do it.  You have no right to the manifesto of Audrey Hale and you just want content by obtaining it,” the email said.

“Send the authorities. You’d better if you still want to live, Leahy,” the email added.

Authorities have a suspect in connection with the threat. Michael Alonzo Rouse, 49, has been charged with aggravated stalking and has been released on $7,500 bond, Just the News reported.

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Although the official ruling in The Covenant School shooting on March 27 has been that Hale acted alone, officials have refused to release the manifesto, citing the need to protect an ongoing investigation.

The Covenant Presbyterian Church, which operates the school, the school itself, and a group of parents also want the manifesto kept quiet.

Parent Erin Kinney, whose 9-year-old son, William, was killed in the shooting, wrote in a letter to the court that those seeking the manifesto do not care about the “wellbeing of their fellow humans” and “seek to rob the six murder victims of dignity in their deaths by demanding the release of sensitive details,” according to The Tennessee Star, an online newspaper that’s part of Leahy’s Star News Network.

“These petitioners have shown no respect or regard for my family or for the hundreds of surviving Covenant trauma victims, even going so far as to shamefully deny their victimhood before you, as they seek to publish and profit from the deranged, hateful, and exceedingly dangerous ramblings of an individual who renounced her humanity and gunned down children,” Kinney wrote.

Releasing the manifesto “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings,” the FBI has said, according to LifeSite News.

However, the Star News Digital Media lawsuit seeking the manifesto’s release argues otherwise.

“Hale is dead and no threat remains to the public related to the events of March 27,” the lawsuit states, according to LifeSite News.

“There is no criminal prosecution, investigation, or anything resembling an ‘enforcement proceeding.’ It has been long enough, and the public has an urgent right to know why this tragedy happened, how future events may be prevented, and what policies should be in place to address this and other similar tragedies. FBI has no right to retain a monopoly on this information,” the lawsuit states.

“The release of these records is critical to understanding the mind and actions of a mass murderer and can help form public policy to most effectively protect American citizens,” Leahy said, according to LifeSite News.

“We believe the public’s right to know is so important that we are willing to challenge the most powerful law enforcement agency in America.”

According to July 19 report in The Tennessee Star, Nashville police Lt. Brent Gibson has said some portions of the manifesto could be released with appropriate redactions. However, he said, “harmful and irreversible consequences could result from fully disclosing” the document.

“Ideally, the records related to the ongoing criminal investigation should remain confidential until the conclusion of the investigation or any resulting criminal case. However, MNPD believes that releasing a redacted version of certain of the shooter’s writings would not impede the investigation,” he said.

Those trying to get the document are wary of such a deal.

“If the definition of redactions means the redaction of just about everything, the records might as well have been destroyed,” John Harris III, executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, one of the plaintiffs seeking to have the document made public, told the Star.

“Are they saying they are going to redact the names of specific individuals or have a minimal amount of redactions so the documents received have relevant content? Or are they going to give you pieces of paper that look like you put them in an old copy machine with the lid left open?” Harris said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.


ABC made a big deal about ALL Fillapinio cast in musical but what if there was an ALL White cast ? Wouldn't that be seen as KKK?


Double standards?

Don't get me wrong... I believe that EVERYONE should be proud of who they are and where they came from.  




When will white's be able to celebrate their family without people shouting KKK or being accused of being a white supremacist? 

Stand and be proud of your family.... EVERYONE !!!!!


Don't allow anyone blame you for something that happened many years ago and you weren't even alive at the time.


Blame me baby if I did something wrong...If not leave me the hell alone !!

 You can't blame me if I wasn't there. Others are afraid of you....sorry but I'm NOT.


If YOU want to be free to be YOU...... 

WE want to be free to be US.


Deal with it because what's good for ONE is good for ALL !!















Landmark Pre-Trial Hearing Granted in Worker’s Compensation Lawsuit: Ohio Nurse Coerced to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine, Resulting in Severe Neurological Disorder




Landmark Pre-Trial Hearing Granted in Worker’s Compensation Lawsuit: Ohio Nurse Coerced to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine, Resulting in Severe Neurological Disorder

Danielle Baker, an experienced registered nurse, is gearing up to take her former employer, Ohio’s Hospice Inc., to court after she was coerced to receive the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. After developing a serious neurological condition known as “transverse myelitis” post-vaccination, Baker will see her day in court early next year.

Baker is a seasoned healthcare professional specializing in hospice and palliative care for two decades. She spent the last 17 years caring for her patients in hospice care.

Danielle Baker Pre-vaccine
Danielle Baker Pre-vaccine

However, her life took a drastic turn in June 2021, when her employer allegedly issued a directive, mandating COVID-19 vaccination by July 2021 for all employees intending to maintain their benefits. Pressed by the need to provide for her family, Baker reluctantly received the Pfizer vaccine.

“In 2021, we began getting bombarded with emails filled with facts about the safety and effectiveness of the jab, encouraging us all to become vaccinated. The emails started to become more demanding, questioned our morals and values, started large incentives and then finally telling the staff that the “safety net” that was set up for those who came down with Covid or had vaccine reactions would be pulled starting July 2021 unless you took the vaccination. It was well known the mandate would be put into effect August 1st 2021. Despite my gut instinct, I took it as I needed my income and career. That’s when my life changed forever,” Baker revealed on her GiveSendGo campaign.

Please help and donate to Danielle Baker here.

Baker received her first dose of the vaccine on June 4, 2021. Her condition began to deteriorate rapidly following her second dose on June 26.

“I had gotten my second shot on June 26 and ended up in the emergency room within 24 hours. From that point, I never got better,” Baker said.

Within 2.5 weeks following the second dose, she developed severe neurological problems, demyelination of the spine, and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a condition her neurologist, Dr. Jon Durrani, affirmed was due to the vaccine.

“On July the 17th is when I developed a severe back pain and I started to lose the feeling and function in all of my extremities over the next four days,” Baker said.

According to NIH, “transverse myelitis is a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord, the part of the central nervous system that sends impulses from the brain to nerves in the body.”

Per Mayo Clinic, “transverse myelitis interrupts the messages that the spinal cord nerves send throughout the body. This can cause pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems, or bladder and bowel dysfunction.”

Danielle Baker Post-vaccine
Danielle Baker Post-vaccine

Baker’s worker’s compensation lawsuit (Danielle Baker v Ohio’s Hospice, Inc, et al, Case No. 23 CV 117) has been fought tooth and nail by her former employer, seeking its dismissal.

However, Judge Jeannine Pratt sided with Baker, stating that her case deserves to be heard. The pre-trial hearing is slated for January 11, 2024, at the Miami County Courthouse in Troy, OH.

“I have a battle, that’s for sure. My publicist is Kevin Tuttle. He has volunteered his time to help me as I don’t have funds to pay for the help,” Baker told The Gateway Pundit.

“I worked as a hospice RN on the front lines of the so-called pandemic. Seeing the horror of what they did to our elderly population was trauma enough. In June of 2021, after heavy coercion from Ohios Hospice, I took the Pfizer series and began my decent into the hell that is now my life. I am now completely disabled and actively advocate for others that have been impacted by everything in regard to Covid,” she added.

Since her adverse reaction to the vaccine, Baker’s life has been a continuous struggle. From being unable to work to difficulties in completing even basic daily tasks, her condition is a stark contrast to the active life she once led.

She has sought treatment from three core physicians and consulted numerous others in an attempt to find relief from her debilitating symptoms, to no avail.

During her last hospital admission, physicians unfamiliar with her case suggested she was suffering from a psychological problem and recommended a psychiatric evaluation.

Please help and donate to Danielle Baker here.

Baker’s situation is unique in Ohio as she is one of the first nurses in the state to be on disability due to the COVID-19 vaccine. She hopes her case will set a precedent and help others in similar situations to seek the justice they deserve.

“Not only was I left without a job and career, I am now permanently disabled. I am engaged in a battle with my former employer in attempts to be fairly compensated but they are winning the battle. They of course have access to large sums of money to fight me and it doesn’t look like they will honor the safety net. We live at just above poverty level so other then social security disability we do not qualify for other assistance,” said Baker.

“No one should ever be coerced, bribed, threatened and/or mandated to have a medical procedure done for the benefit of their employer,” she added.

“I proudly worked for Ohio’s Hospice for 17 years, never imagining that this agency that profits up to $49 million a year would turn their back on me when I needed them the most. Instead, they have left me and my family in financial ruins. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and we plan on flipping it upside down by setting precedent for others when we rightfully win this case.”

Listen to Baker’s testimony to the January 2023 committee that voted to allow the Covid shots onto the childhood schedule:(go to the link at top to see and read all)

Baker’s case is considered a landmark, and it has the potential to set positive precedent in similar cases across the country. As her pre-trial hearing approaches, the healthcare community and the world will be watching closely.

Please help and donate to Danielle Baker here.


“Border Patrol Knows It’s Here and They Allow It” – Cartel Builds Bridge From Mexico to US




“Border Patrol Knows It’s Here and They Allow It” – Cartel Builds Bridge From Mexico to US with Permission From Biden Regime (VIDEO)

Guest post by David Greyson

Ben Bergquam, host of Law and Border on Real America’s Voice was at the southern border in Yuma, Arizona to report on the invasion by illegals and drugs supplied by the cartel.

Bergquam posted a video to Twitter documenting a makeshift bridge that was built by the Mexican cartel to make illegal crossings easier.

“The cartel built a bridge from Mexico to the U.S., so illegals don’t have to get their feet wet walking across the river and Border Patrol, Secretary Mayorkas and Joe Biden are allowing it here in Yuma, Arizona,” Bergquam said.

“The Border Patrol knows it’s here and they allow it. They fly over this every single day in the helicopter…they let it stay and they let people keep coming,” he added.




On Friday Ben Berquam documented a massive group of illegal aliens from Africa and the Middle East in Lukeville, Arizona.

The illegal aliens are all military-aged males.


Department of Homeland Security Chief Mayorkas, under Joe Biden, has allowed approximately 7 million illegals to cross over the US border.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas in May.

“Our Southern border is being invaded, overrun & ignored. 1000s of illegal aliens, tons of drugs & even terrorists cross our border every day. Secretary Mayorkas is responsible, Greene tweeted.


INSANITY: Biden Regime Proposes Ban on Sale of Portable Gas Generators, Raising Concerns for Power Outage Reliance






 (Pass this many people have purchased these because of the storms.)








INSANITY: Biden Regime Proposes Ban on Sale of Portable Gas Generators, Raising Concerns for Power Outage Reliance

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Following a series of policy initiatives targeting everyday appliances such as gas stoves, air conditioners, water heaters, and dishwashers, the Biden regime now sets its sights on portable gas generators in the name of climate change.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has proposed a policy that, if implemented, would pull nearly all existing portable gas generators off the market.

The proposal includes a strict policy that would trigger an automatic shut-off for generators when they reach a specified emission limit. Smaller gas generators would be required to reduce carbon monoxide emissions by 50 percent, while larger ones would face an even greater cut of up to 95 percent.

“The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (Commission or CPSC) has preliminarily determined that there is an unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from portable generators. To address this hazard, the Commission proposes a rule under the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) that limits CO emissions from portable generators and requires generators to shut off when specific emissions levels are reached,” according to the proposed policy.

Given these parameters, it’s predicted that nearly all models currently on the market will not be in compliance.

If enacted, manufacturers would be compelled to comply within a six-month timeframe, a significantly expedited process from the usual years-long adjustment period.

The affected generators include single-phase, 300V or lower, 60-hertz models equipped with receptacle outlets for AC output circuits and designed to be mobile. The engines of these “portable” generators are typically small spark ignition engines, as classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and are powered by gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or natural gas (NG).

Notably, the rule will not apply to permanent stationary generators, 50-hertz generators, marine generators, generators permanently mounted in recreational vehicles or motor homes, vehicle-attached generators, generators with compression ignition engines, and industrial-type generators intended solely for connection to temporary circuit breaker panels at jobsites.

The proposed rule includes an anti-stockpiling provision that prohibits manufacturers from increasing the production or importation of noncompliant portable generators between the final rule’s promulgation and the effective date. This provision bars the manufacture or importation of noncompliant products at a rate greater than 120 percent of the firm’s average monthly production during the preceding year.

Millions of everyday Americans will suffer and die thanks to the regime’s awful “climate change” agenda.

For millions of Americans, portable gas generators are much more than a convenience — they are a lifeline during emergencies, disaster relief, a vital tool on job sites, and a key component of outdoor recreational activities.
















You have NAACP to fight for people of color.... What is the organization to fight for Whites?



This is an HONEST question.


You have a million organizations like BLM...NAACP....and many more.


Who fights for all the others? 





Sunday, July 23, 2023

The Total Number of Illegal Aliens Who Entered US Under Joe Biden Is More than the Population of 35 States



The Total Number of Illegal Aliens Who Entered US Under Joe Biden Is More than the Population of 35 States

Back in October 2022, the Federation of American Immigration Reform, or FAIR Organization, released their fiscal year 2022 immigration numbers. estimated that 5.5 million illegal aliens had entered the United States by crossing over the open border with Mexico since Joe Biden entered office.

That number has reached 7 million today nearly one year later.

On his first day in office Joe Biden opened the US southern border to millions of unknown, illegal migrants from every corner of the world. reported on Joe Biden’s actions to flood America with millions of illegal aliens.

  • Throughout the 2020 campaign, President Biden promised to extend amnesty to illegal aliens in the United States.
  • On his first day in office, President Biden sent an immigration bill to Congress that included an amnesty program and pledged his support to give illegal aliens a path to citizenship.
  • The Biden administration immediately issued an executive order directing agencies to take steps to preserve the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
  • The Biden administration stopped construction of the border wall.
  • The Biden administration expanded the grounds for claiming asylum by reversing legal opinions issued under the Trump Administration.
  • The Biden administration ended the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras which required migrants to apply for asylum in one of the countries through which they traveled (and be denied) as a prerequisite to eligibility for asylum in the United States.[11]
  • The Biden administration issued a policy to exempt unaccompanied minors and family units from expulsion under Title 42, releasing these populations into the U.S.
  • The Biden administration revived the Obama Administration’s policy of allowing immigration judges to administratively close deportation cases.
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued policies that make it easier to apply for benefits, including work permits, extended and expanded programs like Temporary Protected Status, eliminated the ability of officers to issue Notices to Appear (NTAs), and reduced screening and vetting in order to process more petitions and applications.

Now that the borders are open the Biden administration is releasing THOUSANDS of illegal alien children with tuberculosis across the US.

More than 7 million illegals have entered the US under Joe Biden’s watch.

Joe Biden has brought in more illegal aliens in three years than the total population of 35 states!

These 15 states have more population than the 7 million illegals allowed into the US under Joe Biden.

And these 35 states have less population than the 7 million illegals brought into the US under Joe Biden.




The only reason this could happen is if Democrats and Uniparty Republicans are purposely trying to destroy this country.
At this point, there is no other explanation.








