Monday, March 22, 2021

Doc for 3 Presidents says........“The Way Biden Is Hiding from the Public Right Now is a MAJOR Red Flag” – White House Physician for Three US Presidents Breaks His Silence on Joe Biden’s Failing Mental Health


 (Biden was never the one running for Pres anyway, I think it was plan all along. )

“The Way Biden Is Hiding from the Public Right Now is a MAJOR Red Flag” – White House Physician for Three US Presidents Breaks His Silence on Joe Biden’s Failing Mental Health

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US President Joe Biden trips as he boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on March 19, 2021. – President Biden travels to Atlanta, Georgia, to tour the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and to meet with Georgia Asian American leaders, following the Atlanta Spa shootings. (Photo by Eric BARADAT / AFP) (Photo by ERIC BARADAT/AFP via Getty Images)

Former White House physician for Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and current Texas Representative Ronnie Jackson posted an honest assessment on Joe Biden’s physical and mental condition today on Twitter.

Rep. Ronnie Jackson: I served as White House physician under THREE Presidents. I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right!







 Read the rest of the story at link at the top of this post














Saturday, March 20, 2021

“A Transgender Person is Now the Reigning Queen” – Biological Male Crowned Miss Silver State USA






“A Transgender Person is Now the Reigning Queen” – Biological Male Crowned Miss Silver State USA (VIDEO)

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A transgender (biological male) was crowned Miss Silver State USA this week.

Kataluna Enriquez, a transgender person who was born a biological male, won Miss Silver State USA, the biggest preliminary competition for the Miss Nevada USA pageant, reported FOX 5 Las Vegas.



 to read the rest go to link at top

Monday, March 15, 2021

They are banning cartoons but this "nasty disgusting CRAP is OK..... She will NEVER be called a LADY, a true lady would never say or act that way. (MY OPINION MATTERS while there is still FREEDOM OF SPEECH)




 Hey cardi.... you call this "empowerment"?   This is NOTHING but trash from someone that should teach children how to be LADIES not this trash crap.WE pitty you we do NOT admire you. Your money is all you will have......soooo sad.





Cardi B Serves Up Vulgar Performance at Grammys – Media Praises Her For “Sex-Positive” Production, “Female Empowerment” (VIDEO)

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Dr. Seuss and Loony Tunes are offensive but Cardi B’s filthy and pornographic performance at the Grammy Awards is “sex positive.”

Female rap star Cardi B performed at the Grammy Awards on Sunday night along side Megan Thee Stallion.

A scantily clad Cardi B performed her song “Up” and “WAP” on a giant bed with Megan Thee Stallion.

Children also watch these award shows but the Grammys rolled with Cardi B’s performance anyway.

The media applauded Cardi B for “gloriously twerking” and delivering one of the most “memorable Grammy performances of all time.”

The country cannot survive this moral rot.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

YOUR opinion matters !!



Don't back down to any freaking idiots.


Speak your mind (don't be mean or violent).





Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Oh my God... STOP your whinning and finger pointing... GROW up and stop complaining.



YOU are the ONLY one in charge of YOUR life.... NOT THE PAST.


Grow the hell up !

Harry and Meghan are low life scum bags.




 Harry and Meghan are low life scum bags. Meg wanted to be a Queen. That is my opinion and MANY have agreed.


If it was true he would name names. 


For someone (anyone) to want to hurt themselves is a problem MENTALLY. 

 Someone needs to get her mental health help. 

This is NOT the FAMILY that is causing it.... she is mentally sensitive. 

NO I am not a doctor but mental health is mental health... it is NOT the family. 

This has NOTHING to do with skin is ALL ABOUT CHARACTER.

 It is always all about HER. 

(*fake sob...fake sob*)... Why are you not looking and talking about me? Don't you know it's ALL ABOUT ME?

Not a person that should be called any kind of Royal... not even the royal gardener.

 (YEP... my opinion ... deal with it!!!










Thursday, February 25, 2021

A mister no more: Mr. Potato Head goes gender neutral


A mister no more: Mr. Potato Head goes gender neutral


NEW YORK (AP) — Mr. Potato Head is no longer a mister.

Hasbro, the company that makes the potato-shaped plastic toy, is giving the spud a gender neutral new name: Potato Head. The change will appear on boxes this year.

Many toymakers have been updating their classic brands in recent years, hoping to relate to kids today and to reflect more modern families.

“It’s a potato,” said Ali Mierzejewski, editor in chief at toy review site The Toy Insider. “But kids like to see themselves in the toys they are playing with.”

Barbie, for example, has shed its blonde image and now comes in multiple skin tones and body shapes. Thomas the Tank Engine added more girl characters. And American Girl is now selling a boy doll.

As part of the rebranding, Hasbro will release a new Potato Head playset that will let kids create their own type of families, including two moms or two dads. The Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head characters will live on in some form, Hasbro said, but didn't provide details.

Dropping the “Mr.” from its name could encourage other companies to not assign genders to its toys, a trend that has already been happening, said Mierzejewski. Barbie maker Mattel released a gender-neutral doll line in 2019. But Mr. Potato Head is one of the biggest brands to do so.

“It’s setting this new standard," Mierzejewski said.

Mr. Potato Head first hit the toy scene in 1952, when it didn’t even come with a plastic potato — kids had to supply their own vegetable to poke eyes, a nose or mustache into. Hasbro, which also makes Monopoly and My Little Pony, bought the brand and eventually added a plastic potato.