Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Good parents allow their children to be children.

Don't allow your children to grow up too soon.

Don't expose them to bad language. Oops Rap songs took care of that.

Save the R rated movies till later

Let them dress like children NOT hookers and thugs

Get them away from ALL screens ( Tv, computers, phones etc). The internet is telling them how to feel, what they should like and dislike, what to wear, how to talk, etc.

Make sure that your child what is realistic and what isn't. Don't make them feel like failures.

Make sure they have FUN.

Sure that might mean that you will have to put down your own screens too.

Real like is NEVER going to be like the reality shows and YOU know it. Stop trying to be like them and be more like YOU.

Make sure that when your child grows up..... there are a million wonderful memories about their childhood.

*steps down off her soap box*

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