Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Another article.... Pass it around.....Obama and Trump tie as America’s ‘most admired man’

Obama and Trump tie as America’s ‘most admired man’

The Independent

Choices were made along strongly political lines: Getty
Choices were made along strongly political lines: Getty
Nobody is as admired as much by Americans as Barack Obama, except that is Donald Trump.
A poll that suggested a starkly divided nation, found the current and former presidents tying for the title of America’s most admired man.

Underscoring the divide was the fact the split was almost entirely along party lines, with 45 per cent of Republicans opting for Mr Trump and 41 of Democrats selecting his predecessor at the White House.

Meanwhile, former first lady Michelle Obama was the most admired woman among Americans, securing 10 per cent of votes, with current first lady Melania Trump being selected by 5 per of respondents and coming second.

“Each year since 1948, Gallup has asked Americans to name, in an open-ended fashion, which man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most. This year’s results are based on a December 2-15 poll,” said the polling company.

It added: “Americans’ choice for most admired man this year is sharply divided along party lines.”

After Mr Trump and Mr Obama, who was ranked in first place for the 12th consecutive year, former president Jimmy Carter and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, were tied for third place, followed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Pope Francis, senator Bernie Sanders, House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, the Dalai Lama and billionaire investor Warren Buffet were also in the top ten.

Among women, teenage climate activist was among the most top five most admired, along with former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey.

“The remainder of the top 10 for women includes Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, House speaker Nancy Pelosi, Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, German chancellor Angela Merkel and former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley,” said Gallup.

It added: “Queen Elizabeth finished in the top 10 for the 51st time, more than any other woman.”


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