Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Pass it around........."Donald Trump Ties Barack Obama as Most Admired Man of 2019 in New Gallup Poll "

Donald Trump Ties Barack Obama as Most Admired Man of 2019 in New Gallup Poll

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For the first time ever, President Donald Trump tied with his predecessor, Barack Obama, as the most admired man in America this year, according to the annual poll from Gallup. 2019 marks Obama’s 12th year at the top of the list, tying him with former president Dwight Eisenhower.

Trump has never before topped the list, which is compiled by asking Americans to name which living man and woman they admire most. The question is open-ended.

Overall, both the 44th and 45th president were the most admired man alive for 18% of American adults. The split along each man’s 18% followed party lines: 41% of Democrats chose Obama and 45% of Republicans chose Trump.

Others who were named this year include Tesla founder Elon Musk, former president Jimmy Carter and Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. No other man besides Trump and Obama was mentioned by more than 2% of respondents.

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According to Gallup, the incumbent U.S. president is usually the choice for America’s most admired living man. Out of 72 prior polls, the incumbent president has earned the distinction 58 times.

“When the incumbent president is not the choice, it is usually because he is unpopular politically,” Gallup noted, “which was the case for Trump in 2017 (36% approval rating) and 2018 (40%).”
Trump’s approval rating in 2019 is up to 45%.

Former first lady Michelle Obama topped the survey of America’s most admired woman with 10% of the vote, down from 15% in 2018. Melania Trump finished second with 5%, followed by a three-way tie between Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and teen climate-change activist Greta Thunberg, each with 3%.


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