Friday, January 22, 2021

WH Press Sec Givens Non-Answer When Asked if Joe Biden Has a Comment on the Ongoing Antifa Violence in Portland and Seattle (VIDEO)

WH Press Sec Givens Non-Answer When Asked if Joe Biden Has a Comment on the Ongoing Antifa Violence in Portland and Seattle (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Friday was asked if Joe Biden has a comment on the ongoing Antifa violence that erupted in Portland and Seattle on inauguration day.

Psaki was caught off guard after CBS reporter Ed O’Keefe asked a real question so she stuttered her way through a non-answer: “um, uh, um, ummm”

There was a virtual media blackout as Antifa terrorists burned American flags and destroyed property on Wednesday.

The media won’t report on Antifa violence because it makes the Democrats and Biden look bad.



Antifa destroys property in Portland


Antifa burns an American flag in Seattle



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