Friday, January 22, 2021

World Central Kitchen Provides Hot Soup For Troops Banished to Cold Parking Garage and Ignored by Biden Administration (VIDEO)....Trump also stepped it up and allowed the troops to stay at Trump Hotel in DC. This is how Trump treats our troops and law enforcement because he is a real leader:



World Central Kitchen Provides Hot Soup For Troops Banished to Cold Parking Garage and Ignored by Biden Administration (VIDEO)

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A soup kitchen cares more about our troops than Joe Biden and the Democrats.

One day after Biden’s inauguration, 5,000 soldiers were moved to a cold parking is one power outlet and one bathroom for 5,000 soldiers.

This is Biden’s America.

World Central Kitchen provided hot soup and stew for the 5,000 troops banished to a cold parking garage after protecting Biden’s sham inauguration.

Chef Jose Andres, a rabid Trump hater, delivered soup to the troops as they boarded a bus and also served soup at the Capitol.

Republican freshman lawmaker Madison Cawthorn delivered pizzas to the troops in the parking garage last night.

The media ignored this act of kindness.

Trump also stepped it up and allowed the troops to stay at Trump Hotel in DC.

This is how Trump treats our troops and law enforcement because he is a real leader:

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Joe Biden and the Democrats used the troops for a photo op then discarded them to an underground garage in the dead of winter.

Several hundred of those troops now have Covid after being packed in like sardines to protect Biden.








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