Tuesday, July 19, 2022

(She is NOT handcuffed, she ALSO thinks youre too stupid to notice) ....AOC Pretends to Be Arrested as Capitol Police Escort Her Away For Blocking Traffic Outside of Supreme Court



AOC denies 'faking' handcuffs after being detained in Supreme Court protest

AOC says, 'Putting your hands behind your back is a best practice while detained'


 She just thinks that YOU are too stupid to notice. LOL










DRAMA QUEEN: AOC Pretends to Be Arrested as Capitol Police Escort Her Away For Blocking Traffic Outside of Supreme Court (VIDEO)

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pretended to be arrested on Tuesday as Capitol Police escorted her away for blocking traffic outside of the Supreme Court.

AOC and other lawmakers were escorted away for blocking the street in an ‘abortion rights’ demonstration.


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AOC wasn’t cuffed but she put her hands behind her back in an effort to look like she was actually arrested.

The drama queen smiled as she was escorted by police.

AOC is such a rebel.


AOC got dragged on Twitter for pretending the be cuffed when she was simply escorted away by Capitol Police.

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