Tuesday, July 19, 2022

(They are NOT handcuffed, they think YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO NOTICE)...Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Also Pretends to be Arrested in Front of Supreme Court





Clown Show: Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Also Pretends to be Arrested in Front of Supreme Court (VIDEO)

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Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar wants everyone to think she’s a total rebel.

As reported earlier, Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pretended to be arrested on Tuesday as Capitol Police escorted her away for blocking traffic outside of the Supreme Court.

Ilhan Omar joined drama queen AOC and pretended to be cuffed too.

What a circus.

Ilhan Omar walked with her hands behind her back as Capitol Police trailed far behind at a demonstration for ‘abortion rights.’

At one point Ilhan Omar turned around to make sure the Capitol Police were nearby before breaking free from her cuffs and put up a fist.


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