Thursday, July 21, 2022

(YOUR KIDS COULD BE NEXT).New York county confirms case of polio It's the first US case in almost 10 years



New York county confirms case of polio

It's the first US case in almost 10 years

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The New York Department of Health on Thursday reported a case of polio in a resident of the state's Rockland County. 

This case marks the first in the U.S. in nearly a decade. 

The department said it was identified through sequencing at the Wadsworth Center – its public health laboratory – and confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

The sequencing showed revertant polio Sabin type 2 virus.


"This is indicative of a transmission chain from an individual who received the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is no longer authorized or administered in the U.S., where only the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) has been given since 2000," the department wrote. "This suggests that the virus may have originated in a location outside of the U.S. where OPV is administered, since revertant strains cannot emerge from inactivated vaccines."

This 2014 illustration made available by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention depicts a polio virus particle. On Thursday, July 21, 2022, New York health officials reported a polio case, the first in the U.S. in nearly a decade.  (Sarah Poser, Meredith Boyter Newlove/CDC via AP)

Polio is endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

The state Health Department, the Rockland County Department of Health and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene are coordinating to continue the case investigation and "proactively respond."

This 1964 microscope image made available by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows damage from the polio virus to human spinal cord tissue. On Thursday, July 21, 2022, New York health officials reported a polio case, the first in the U.S. in nearly a decade.  (Dr. Karp/Emory University/CDC via AP)

A viral disease that can affect the nervous system and cause muscle weakness, the polio virus typically enters through the mouth. 

While it is usually transmitted by hands contaminated with the fecal matter of an infected person, respiratory and oral-to-oral transmission through saliva may also occur.

Polio is very contagious and a person can spread the virus even if they aren't sick. The majority of people infected with polio have no symptoms. 

Symptoms can be mild and flu-like and can take up to 30 days to present, during which the infected individual can spread the virus to others. 


Although rare, some cases can result in paralysis or death. 

Due to the success of the polio vaccine, introduced in 1955, cases were cut dramatically in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The last naturally occurring cases of polio in the U.S. were reported in 1979 and the last known case in the country was recorded by the CDC in 2013.

The polio vaccine is part of the required school immunization schedule for all children. According to the most recent CDC data, about 93% of 2-year-olds had received at least three doses of polio vaccine.

Nurse Lydia Fulton prepares to administer the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine as well as a vaccine used to help prevent the diseases of diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and polio at Children's Primary Care Clinic in Minneapolis, MN, Friday April 28, 2017.  (Courtney Perry/For the Washington Post)

All of those who have not completed their polio vaccine series previously – or Rockland County members who are concerned they may have been exposed to the virus – should get vaccinated at local vaccine clinics. 

People there who have already been vaccinated, who are considered to be at lower risk, but are at risk of exposure should receive a booster.

The first clinic in New York's Rockland County will be at the Pomona Health Complex on Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET. A second clinic at the same location will be held on Monday. Walk-ins will be accepted.


Officials are advising medical practitioners and health care providers to be vigilant for additional cases.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Hispanic voters predict red wave, say Democrats use handouts and rhetoric to appease minorities All three Hispanic Americans agree the Democrats have 'lost touch' with the working class



 (THANK GOD....they are opening their eyes seeing that they were being used buy Democrats!)



Hispanic voters predict red wave, say Democrats use handouts and rhetoric to appease minorities

All three Hispanic Americans agree the Democrats have 'lost touch' with the working class

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Three Hispanic Americans weigh in on why minority voters could be abandoning the Democratic Party. 

"The Democrats really lost working-class people," Chris Formoso, a first-generation Cuban, and father of four, told Fox News. "These people have absolutely lost their minds. There is no way we could vote for them, especially when Republicans have been more focused on the issues that matter."

A Puerto Rican man, Hector Olmo, who is now a retired cop living in New Jersey, said Democrats use handouts and rhetoric to appease minority voters while keeping them from achieving real success. 

A Cuban immigrant, Maria Lorenzo, who came to the U.S. more than 50 years ago said the Democratic Party embracing socialism and ignoring its policy failures has caused them to lose support among Hispanics. 

"I can’t talk about all the Hispanics, but most of the ones I know, they are fed up with the Democratic Party," said Lorenzo, who came to the U.S. as a child from Havana and became an American citizen on her 18th birthday.


"People here have a lot of misconceptions. They studied communism in school, but I lived it," Lorenzo told Fox News. 

"Most of the Hispanics, especially the ones that came from Cuba and Venezuela, they came running from communism. And they see that this country, the Democratic Party, is leaning towards that- toward socialism, towards division."

Lorenzo’s parents instilled in her and her sister a strong work ethic. In his pursuit of the "American Dream," Lorenzo says her father refused to accept any government handouts. 

Her top priorities as a voter are maintaining small government and defending the first and second amendments. 

Maria Lorenzo, Cuban immigrant 

Maria Lorenzo, Cuban immigrant 

Despite the Democratic Party’s historical success with garnering the Hispanic vote , Lorenzo said economic woes are causing many to reevaluate. "When your pocket is hurting you wake up from whatever beliefs you had, and the Democratic Party are hurting people's pockets," she said. 

A recent report by Axios, entitled "The Great Realignment," details a Democratic Party that is becoming more elite and "a little more white," as inroads in a number of ethnic groups for Republicans could turn the tide in numerous Democratic-held swing seats. 


Data shows that Democrats are "statistically tied" with Republicans in congressional ballots when it comes to the Hispanic vote. A surprise when compared to 2018, when the Democratic Party held a 47-point advantage with Hispanics in the midterms. 

Hector Olmo, a Puerto Rican retired police officer living in New Jersey also believes Democrats are embracing socialist ideas and turning away Hispanic voters.  

"We moved here to be independent and to be our own thinkers and be as successful as we want," Olmo told Fox News. "With socialism, where everybody’s on an equal table--it's a nice idea, but it doesn't work."

Olmo has voted Republican for the majority of his life, in large part due to his upbringing with immigrant parents. 

"Something that my dad always told me was that Democrats will assist their constituents and help the needy and help the lower class but will never provide them enough to be more successful than them." 

In contrast, Olmo said Republicans provide people "with the ability to be as successful as they wanted to, not just a handout," and pointed to the historically low minority unemployment rate under President Trump. 

Olmo said Democrats use issues that should not be politicized, like abortion, as a means to obscure other political failures.

Hector Olmo, retired police officer 

Hector Olmo, retired police officer 

During his 28 years serving as a police officer, Olmo said he witnessed firsthand how Democratic policies like bail reform corroded the institution of law enforcement. 


"It's just been a downward spiral," he said, citing skyrocketing inflation, record high gas prices, and rising crime rates across major U.S. cities. "There’s been no self-correction." 

Like Lorenzo, he believes the economic and social tolls stemming from Democratic policies will result in voters becoming more informed and discerning when casting their ballot. 

"When you hit somebody's pocketbook, their freedoms, and their stuff, they're going to pause and say, ‘hey, what's going on here?’

Chris Formoso, a Cuban-American living in Florida said Democrats have lost touch with the working class, including Hispanics. 

"They focus on the wrong topics," Formoso told Fox News. "I keep hearing about January 6th, I keep hearing about gender identity and the importance of that, and of oppression and racism. I'm a minority-- I don't feel any of that," he said. 

"What I care about is keeping things affordable for me and my family," the father of four said. 

Formoso works as a financial manager in the Miami-Dade area. His parents fled Cuba for the U.S. in hopes of a better life after Fidel Castro rose to prominence. 

An independent voter who supported Gary Johnson in 2016 and reluctantly voted for Donald Trump in 2020, Formoso said he finds himself aligning more with Republicans as Democratic priorities grow increasingly out-of-touch.


"Pretty much every Hispanic that I know…we only care about working hard, family values, Latino justice, common sense things that any society should be promoting," Formoso told Fox News. "I feel the Democrats somehow have fallen down this black hole where they seem to be against the nuclear family."

Chris Formoso, first generation Cuban-American 

Chris Formoso, first generation Cuban-American  (Fox News )

Citing the economy and general safety as his top priorities, he criticized the Democratic party for embracing strict lockdown policies which he blames for causing serious economic disruption and putting millions out of work. 

"Everything that's wrong with the economy, they blame it on the Putin tax hike. They blame it on Republicans not passing more spending bills that would only drive inflation even higher. They don't make any sense," Formoso said. 

"I don't see how anyone can vote for these people to stay in power and continue down this road that's ruining the country."

Formoso said there is not one Democratic figure being discussed as a potential 2024 presidential candidate he would consider voting for. 

"They've got to change their perspective on society and on life, because right now they're on the wrong path."

All three agreed the minority vote, including Hispanics, will shift right in the upcoming midterms. 


"I do think they're going to vote conservative," Formoso about Hispanic voters. "There is no way we could vote for them, especially when Republicans have been more focused on the on the issues that matter."

Olmo said he believes minorities and all voters will sway heavily to the right in the upcoming elections. 

"The Democrats really haven't shown an answer to correct or fix anything," he said. 

"I pray that the Republican Party wins the majority," said Lorenzo. "I hope there's a ‘red wave.’"


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

(She is NOT handcuffed, she ALSO thinks youre too stupid to notice) ....AOC Pretends to Be Arrested as Capitol Police Escort Her Away For Blocking Traffic Outside of Supreme Court



AOC denies 'faking' handcuffs after being detained in Supreme Court protest

AOC says, 'Putting your hands behind your back is a best practice while detained'


 She just thinks that YOU are too stupid to notice. LOL






DRAMA QUEEN: AOC Pretends to Be Arrested as Capitol Police Escort Her Away For Blocking Traffic Outside of Supreme Court (VIDEO)

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pretended to be arrested on Tuesday as Capitol Police escorted her away for blocking traffic outside of the Supreme Court.

AOC and other lawmakers were escorted away for blocking the street in an ‘abortion rights’ demonstration.


TRENDING: BREAKING: Survey Shows a Majority of American Voters Believe Joe Biden Knew of Hunter's Business Deals and Profited from Them as Well

AOC wasn’t cuffed but she put her hands behind her back in an effort to look like she was actually arrested.

The drama queen smiled as she was escorted by police.

AOC is such a rebel.


AOC got dragged on Twitter for pretending the be cuffed when she was simply escorted away by Capitol Police.

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(They are NOT handcuffed, they think YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO NOTICE)...Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Also Pretends to be Arrested in Front of Supreme Court



Clown Show: Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Also Pretends to be Arrested in Front of Supreme Court (VIDEO)

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Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar wants everyone to think she’s a total rebel.

As reported earlier, Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pretended to be arrested on Tuesday as Capitol Police escorted her away for blocking traffic outside of the Supreme Court.

Ilhan Omar joined drama queen AOC and pretended to be cuffed too.

What a circus.

Ilhan Omar walked with her hands behind her back as Capitol Police trailed far behind at a demonstration for ‘abortion rights.’

At one point Ilhan Omar turned around to make sure the Capitol Police were nearby before breaking free from her cuffs and put up a fist.


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Antifa Put in Full Retreat By Bikers, They Try Another City But Soon Hear the Rumble of Motorcycle




Antifa Put in Full Retreat By Bikers, They Try Another City But Soon Hear the Rumble of Motorcycles

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Antifa can be regularly relied upon to pick on those who are unable to defend themselves.

Whether it be elderly citizens, innocent protesters or local business owners, typically, antifa isn’t met with much resistance.

Well, that story changed on Saturday when a group of antifa extremists made a big mistake.

This time, they attempted to victimize a group that had no qualms about fighting back.

According to The Post Millenial, members of antifa attempted to shut down Honky Tonk Bar in Salem, Oregon, through the use of a “direct action.”

This was indeed a band of dangerous people.

One member of the antifa crowd was Clifford Eiffler-Rodriguez, a man “previously arrested for allegedly assaulting a female police officer at a violent Salem protest on Aug. 10, 2021, when Antifa gathered to attack participants of a street church protest outside Planned Parenthood,” The Post Millenial reported.

However, the crowd at Honky Tonk was a bit rougher than the pro-life activists one would find in a church congregation.

The bar is known for being frequented by bikers.

When the antifa member’s “direct action” began, many such bikers came out to greet the masked antifa members.

The exchange ended with an embarrassing defeat.

The Post Millenial’s editor-at-large, Andy Ngo, posted a video of the exchange on his Twitter account.

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.

If you kick enough hornets’ nests, eventually you’re going to get stung.

Antifa learned that the hard way.

Unfortunately for the far-left extremists, this exchange may not be the end of their trouble.

Various Oregon-based motorcycle clubs are now teaming up against the group.

“The confrontation appears to have now ignited a feud between Antifa and members of various Oregon motorcycle clubs,” The Post Millenial reported.

Hopefully, these guys will think twice before taking on another biker bar.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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YOUR kids?) Biden’s Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Levine Says We Need to “Empower” Children to go On Puberty Blockers


SICK: Biden’s Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Levine Says We Need to “Empower” Children to go On Puberty Blockers (VIDEO)



They’re after our children.


Joe Biden’s Assistant Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine said we need to “empower” kids to go on puberty blockers.

Dr. Levine, a biological male who claims to be a woman, is the transgender face of the Biden Regime’s push for surgical and chemical castration of children.

This man is evil and dangerous.

TRENDING: SICK: Biden's Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Levine Says We Need to "Empower" Children to go On Puberty Blockers (VIDEO)

A Trump-appointed judge in Tennessee temporarily blocked Biden’s woke LGBTQ policy on Friday, including transgender workers and students to use gender-appropriate bathrooms, and participate in sports teams, Reuters reported.

U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley Jr. ruled in favor of the 20 state attorneys general who sued the Biden administration saying the directives infringe on states’ freedom to establish laws governing transgender.

Dr. Levine was one of the health care leaders who delivered remarks on climate change on Monday.

Makes sense.

“The federal government is full speed ahead to confront the climate change emergency. At the Department of Health and Human Services, we are focused on its catastrophic and chronic threats to health,” Levine said.

“We really want to base our treatment and to affirm and to support and empower these youth, not to limit their participation in activities and sports and even limit their ability to get gender affirmation treatment in their state,” Dr. Levine said after a judge blocked Biden’s woke LGBTQ policy.


Last month Dr. Levine said sex reassignment surgery (castration) and puberty blockers (chemical castration) for KIDS is “lifesaving, medically necessary, age appropriate, and a critical tool.”

Biden’s woke transgender Health Secretary Rachel Levine is after our children.

God help us.

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(another one)A deadly virus was just identified in Ghana: What to know about Marburg


 (didn't i say that they will be popping up? We aren't stupid)


A deadly virus was just identified in Ghana: What to know about Marburg

·5 min read

After the coronavirus pandemic and the rise of monkeypox cases, news of another virus can trigger nerves globally. The highly infectious Marburg virus has been reported in the West African country of Ghana this week, according to the World Health Organization.

Two unrelated people died after testing positive for Marburg in the southern Ashanti region of the country, the WHO said Sunday, confirming lab results from Ghana's health service. The highly infectious disease is similar to Ebola and has no vaccine.

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Health officials in the country say they are working to isolate close contacts and mitigate the spread of the virus, and the WHO is marshaling resources and sending specialists to the country.

"Health authorities have responded swiftly, getting a head start preparing for a possible outbreak. This is good because without immediate and decisive action, Marburg can easily get out of hand," said the WHO's regional director for Africa, Matshidiso Moeti.

Fatality rates from the disease can reach nearly 90%, according to the WHO.

Here's what we know about the virus:

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What is the Marburg virus?

Marburg is a rare but highly infectious viral hemorrhagic fever and is in the same family as Ebola, a better-known virus that has plagued West Africa for years.

The Marburg virus is a "genetically unique zoonotic . . . RNA virus of the filovirus family," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "The six species of Ebola virus are the only other known members of the filovirus family."

Fatality rates range from 24% to 88%, according to the WHO, depending on the virus strain and quality of case management.

Marburg has probably been transmitted to people from African fruit bats as a result of prolonged exposure from people working in mines and caves that have Rousettus bat colonies. It is not an airborne disease.

Once someone is infected, the virus can spread easily between humans through direct contact with the bodily fluids of infected people such as blood, saliva or urine, as well as on surfaces and materials. Relatives and health workers remain most vulnerable alongside patients, and bodies can remain contagious at burial.

The first cases of the virus were identified in Europe in 1967. Two large outbreaks in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Serbia, led to the initial recognition of the disease. At least seven deaths were reported in that outbreak, with the first people infected having been exposed to Ugandan imported African green monkeys or their tissue while conducting lab research, the CDC said.

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Where has Marburg been detected?

The Ghana cases are only the second time Marburg has been detected in West Africa. The first reported case in the region was in Guinea last year. The virus can spread quickly. More than 90 contacts, including health workers and community members, are being monitored in Ghana. The WHO said it has also reached out to neighboring high-risk countries to put them on alert.

Cases of Marburg have previously been reported elsewhere in Africa, including in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The largest outbreak killed more than 200 people in Angola in 2005.

The virus is not known to be native to other continents, such as North America, and the CDC says cases outside Africa are "infrequent." In 2008, however, a Dutch woman died of Marburg disease after visiting Uganda. An American tourist also contracted the disease after a Uganda trip in 2008 but recovered. Both travelers had visited a well-known cave inhabited by fruit bats in a national park.

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What are the symptoms?

The illness begins "abruptly," according to the WHO, with a high fever, severe headache and malaise. Muscle aches and cramping pains are also common features.

In Ghana, the two unrelated individuals who died experienced symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, nausea and vomiting. One case was a 26-year-old man who checked into a hospital on June 26 and died a day later. The second was a 51-year-old man who went to hospital on June 28 and died the same day, the WHO said.

In fatal cases, death usually occurs between eight and nine days after onset of the disease and is preceded by severe blood loss and hemorrhaging, and multi-organ dysfunction.

The CDC has also noted that around day five, a non-itchy rash on the chest, back or stomach may occur. Clinical diagnosis of Marburg "can be difficult," it says, with many of the symptoms similar to other infectious diseases such as malaria or typhoid fever.

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Can Marburg be treated?

There are no vaccines or antiviral treatments approved to treat the Marburg virus.

However, supportive care can improve survival rates such as rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids, maintaining oxygen levels, using drug therapies and treating specific symptoms as they arise. Some health experts say drugs similar to those used for Ebola could be effective.

Some "experimental treatments" for Marburg have been tested in animals but have never been tried in humans, the CDC said.

Virus samples collected from patients to study are an "extreme biohazard risk," the WHO says, and laboratory testing should be conducted under "maximum biological containment conditions."

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Anything else to know?

The WHO said this week it is supporting a "joint national investigative team" in Ghana and deploying its own experts to the country. It is also sending personal protective equipment, bolstering disease surveillance and tracing contacts in response to the handful of cases.

More details are likely to be shared at a WHO Africa online briefing scheduled for Thursday.

"It is a worry that the geographical range of this viral infection appears to have spread. This is a very serious infection with a high mortality rate," international public health expert and professor Jimmy Whitworth of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine told The Washington Post on Monday.

"It is important to try to understand how the virus got into the human population to cause this outbreak and to stop any further cases. At present, the risk of spread of the outbreak outside of Ashanti region of Ghana is very low," he added.