Friday, August 31, 2018

Hey Witch ( with a B)..... don't you dare ever call 911 for help since you hate them so much. (You have a right to voice your opinion and so do I)

( fake hair... fake jewelry.... dressed like  a......... a..... you know what she looks like)

You're NOT an're nothing but a protester. ANYTHING for attention Huh? WE are ashamed of you.


Mother wears ‘Blue Lives Murder’ T-shirt in front of police officers at Afropunk: ‘Stop killing us’

Julie Tong 1 hour 32 minutes ago

Nyja Richardson wears a “Blue Lives Murder” T-shirt at Afropunk. (Photo: Ariel Moore/Courtesy of Nyja Richardson)
The saying that a picture is worth a thousand words can be summed up in three: “Blue Lives Murder.”
That was the phrase seen on the bold statement on the T-shirt of a 24-year-old mother and activist Nyja Richardson as she attended Brooklyn’s Afropunk, the music and fashion festival that celebrates the black American punk scene in locations around the world.
Richardson strategically situated herself in front of four police officers, who unwittingly stood in the background, before snapping the photo and posting it on her Instagram page.
“The last thing I want my son to be is another hashtag, so if that means I have to wear this shirt to create the conversation or go to community civil meetings, I will do whatever is necessary,” Richardson, who has a 3-year-old boy as well as her own vegan T-shirt line, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “I just fear that the color of his skin would trump his character, [and] to the world he would just be viewed as a violent black male.”
Richardson wore the shirt in the wake of numerous attacks by police officers on unarmed people of color, and in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. She adds that she wanted to “stimulate conversation because we are in a society who has taken liberties against a community without accountability. To me this is quite visceral. Tensions are high in America at this time and a conversation needs to be had.” 
The “Blue Lives Murder” T-shirt retails for $30 and is made by lifestyle label America Hates Us, which seeks “to communicate social and political messages with the marginalized in mind,” co-founder and designer Tareq G. Brown tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Many of our pieces tend to make others feel uncomfortable and though that isn’t our purpose, we’re certainly not going to tone down our messages.”

As for Richardson’s shirt, he says, “I’d like the ‘Blue Lives Murder’ tee to spark discussion. Instead of trying to combat the shirt or argue ‘not all cops,’ perhaps try to understand why a community would identify with this statement. Reach out to those communities; speak to family members that have lost someone to police violence.”

The “Blue Lives Murder” tee, $30, is available on The label, America Hates Us, will donate 20 percent of any purchase to one of four organizations listed on its site, including the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. (Photo: America Hates Us)
Richardson’s Instagram post has sparked more than 8,000 likes, plus both positive and negative reactions. One user wrote, “I think its sad that shirts like that have to be made in order to draw attention to what’s happening. I don’t agree with the shirt but I understand the motive. Not all cops murder blacks. There are cops who protect us.”
To this type of critic, Richardson says, “To clarify, the shirt does not state all Blue Lives Murder, but in my opinion, one blue life murdering is one too many.
Political-statement tees are hot in the fashion world, appearing everywhere from high-fashion catwalks to festivals like Afropunk, which Richardson calls a “safe place for African-Americans to express themselves.”

Read More from Yahoo Lifestyle:

Thursday, August 30, 2018

The term "Monkey(ing) around".

The term "Monkey(ing) around"......

Definition of monkey around


: to do things that are not useful or serious : to waste time
  • We just monkeyed around all afternoon.

  • a young scientist monkeying around in the lab.         
  • Please pass this around to as many people as you can. Either on Twitter, Facebook etc. Just get it out there.            

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Meaning of Labor Day.....

La·bor Day
ˈlābər ˌdā/
noun: Labour Day; noun: Labor Day
  1. a public holiday or day of festivities held in honor of working people, in the US and Canada on the first Monday in September, in many other countries on May 1.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Good parents allow their children to be children.

Don't allow your children to grow up too soon.

Don't expose them to bad language. Oops Rap songs took care of that.

Save the R rated movies till later

Let them dress like children NOT hookers and thugs

Get them away from ALL screens ( Tv, computers, phones etc). The internet is telling them how to feel, what they should like and dislike, what to wear, how to talk, etc.

Make sure that your child what is realistic and what isn't. Don't make them feel like failures.

Make sure they have FUN.

Sure that might mean that you will have to put down your own screens too.

Real like is NEVER going to be like the reality shows and YOU know it. Stop trying to be like them and be more like YOU.

Make sure that when your child grows up..... there are a million wonderful memories about their childhood.

*steps down off her soap box*

Monday, August 27, 2018

Hey Anne Hathaway, in here please for a moment.

White privilege? 

YOU are speaking those words from behind those large walls around your house and how many body guards guarding you? Do you clean your own house, do you do your own cooking, do you do your own laundry? Have you ever scrubbed your own toilet?

If myself, family, friends and neighbors are so freaking privileged, why the hell have we been working so many years. I have been working for almost 50 years and NEVER been without AT LEAST ONE job.

Get over yourself !!!

I'm not afraid of hard work and I am NOT asking people to support me or my family, and have never asked for a hand out.

White privilege my BUTT !

( I am going to keep bumping this to the top)

Sick disgusting pigs


3 charged in elderly woman's abduction, rape


MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) - Three people were charged in connection to an abduction early Friday morning, according to Memphis Police Department.

An elderly woman told police she was abducted from her home near Cypress Drive and Jackson Avenue by two men.

She said she was assaulted by one of the suspects, and her vehicle was stolen. She was hospitalized in noncritical condition.

Police said three people were taken into custody in Crittenden County.

A 17-year-old is charged with especially aggravated burglary, especially aggravated robbery, aggravated rape, aggravated kidnapping, and elder abuse.

Montarius Culp, 18, is charged with especially aggravated burglary, especially aggravated robbery, aggravated rape, aggravated kidnapping, and elder abuse.

Skye Harris, 18, is charged with accessory after the fact

They are being housed at Crittenden County Jail.

Warrants have been drafted for their extradition to Memphis.

Only Harris’ mugshot was available Friday night.
Copyright 2018 WMC Action News 5. All rights reserved.

Hey anti gun people.........The shooting at the gaming event was made by a "disgruntled gun", NOT a sore loser right???



I'll bet the NRA was involved too right ?

And I'll bet the gun was legal right ?

WAKE the hell up.... it was the GUY BEHIND THE GUN THAT KILLED. I don't think that the gun kept firing at people after he took his own life.

Asia Argento and Others Are Angry About Being in JT LeRoy Documentary

(who was duped and who profited by this hoax)
Another documentary tonight 8-27-2018 look in your listings)

Asia Argento and Others Are Angry About Being in JT LeRoy Documentary

From left, Laura Albert, Savannah Knoop and Asia Argento in Jeff Feuerzeig’s documentary “Author: The JT LeRoy Story.”CreditCreditAmazon Studios/Magnolia Pictures

  • When JT LeRoy, a young H.I.V.-positive novelist from West Virginia, whose fiction supposedly mirrored his tough life as a teenage hustler, was revealed in 2006 to be a literary hoax, many who had considered themselves friends or sought to help his career felt betrayed.
    A decade later, a documentary that includes calls with authors and celebrities recorded secretly by the hoax’s perpetrator, Laura Albert, has reopened old wounds and raised questions about whether documentary films, increasingly seen as potent forms of journalism, should adhere to the same standards as other types of reporting.
    “This is downright evil and disturbing,” said the actress and director Asia Argento, who did not know that her conversations had been recorded or that excerpts were in the documentary. “I am very angry.”
    The documentary, “Author: The JT LeRoy Story,” released last Friday, recounts Ms. Albert’s trajectory largely from her perspective. After she agreed to speak with the director, Jeff Feuerzeig, he discovered that for years she had recorded her phone conversations, preserving cassette tapes labeled with the names of people like Ms. Argento and the writers Mary Karr and Dennis Cooper.


     READ MORE HERE.......

    The Second Amendment

    Second Amendment. 

    The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." 

    The 2nd Amendment

    Sunday, August 26, 2018

    What the hell is "black lottery" ?

    Two women were talking last night about cashing in on the "black lottery" when she sues her work place for something she called " working while black".

    What the hell is going on in this world.

    Years of hearing " we want to be treated equally"... now to....." black OR white" NOT all Americans.

    What a sad world this is becoming.

    Thursday, August 23, 2018

    Man beaten, slashed for stepping on woman’s foot: cops ( And no one is stepping up to these BULLIES and stop them from doing it again)


    Man beaten, slashed for stepping on woman’s foot: cops

    New York Post 2 hours 6 minutes ago

    Friday, August 10, 2018

    Another NO GOOD THUG. I'm sure the gun was legal right? And I'm sure that he is a NRA member right?

    Guns don't kill people....... JERKS LIKE THIS KILL PEOPLE.

    Heart-stopping moment officer is shot by man pulled over for speeding

    New York Post 5 hours ago

    Thursday, August 9, 2018

    Police Chief Pens Heartbreaking Letter After Learning Son Allegedly Attacked Sikh Man..(.UPDATED...Chief son flips the bird in court)

    you can google the video but it is sooooo disturbing to watch.

    You can also find a photo of the thug.


    Police Chief Pens Heartbreaking Letter After Learning Son Allegedly Attacked Sikh Man



    Rebecca Shapiro,HuffPost 13 hours ago

    A 71-year-old Sikh man was violently assaulted in Northern California during
    A 71-year-old Sikh man was violently assaulted in Northern California during his morning walk on Monday ― and a police chief later identified his own estranged son as one of the perpetrators.

    Union City Police Chief Darryl McAllister penned a heart-wrenching open letter to his community on Wednesday, saying he was “disgusted” to share that his 18-year-old son, Tyrone Keith McAllister, is a suspect in the crime.

    “Words can barely describe how embarrassed, dejected, and hurt my wife, daughters, and I feel right now,” McAllister wrote in a letter posted on Facebook.

    “Violence and hatred is not what we have taught our children; intolerance for others is not even in our vocabulary, let alone our values. Crime has never been an element of our household, our values, nor the character to which we hold ourselves.”

    Footage of the attack, caught on a nearby security camera, shows Sahbit Singh Natt walking along Greystone Park in Manteca, California, when two individuals confront him. One of them, suspected of being McAllister’s son, can be seen kicking Natt to the ground and then kicking him repeatedly.

    According to McAllister, Natt suffered “minor physical injuries.”

    Police said the incident was a suspected robbery, but the San Francisco Chronicle reported that detectives are also trying to determine if the attack was motivated by hate. Manteca is located about 60 miles east of Union City.

    Dr. Rajwant Singh, co-founder of National Sikh Campaign, said he was “appalled” and “disturbed” by the recent attacks on Sikh Americans. A 50-year-old Sikh man was brutally attacked in California last week. That incident is being investigated as a hate crime.

    McAllister described how he and his wife helped Manteca authorities track down his son and arrest him on Wednesday.

    “Despite having the desire any parent would have in wanting to protect their child, my oath is (and always will be) to the law and my vow of integrity guides me through this horrendous difficulty,” McAllister wrote. He shared details of his son’s journey over the past few years, which involved running away, associating with a “bad crowd,” participating in theft-related crimes, serving a stint in juvenile hall and another 3-month sentence in adult jail. McAllister says his son has not returned home in several months.

    “It’s difficult for us to comprehend how one of three kids who grew up with the same parents, under the same roof, with the same rules and same values and character could wander so far astray,” McAllister wrote.

    Within a few hours of the chief’s posting, the letter received overwhelmingly positive feedback from commenters for its honesty.

    Read the letter in its entirety below.

    America does not do a good job of tracking incidents of hate and bias. We need your help to create a database of such incidents across the country, so we all know what’s going on. Tell us your story.


    Police chief's son, 18, charged with beating elderly Sikh man, smiles, flips bird in court: reports

    The 18-year-old son of a police chief in California’s Bay Area, who allegedly attacked a 71-year-old Sikh man, appeared in court Friday, smiling and waving his middle fingers at media cameras, a report said.

    Tyrone Keith McAllister, estranged son of Union City police Chief Darryl McAllister, entered the courtroom and flipped his middle fingers at their camera, Sacramento's FOX 40 reported.

    He appeared to be grinning, and made suspected gang signs while his hands were cuffed, the Record of Stockton reported.

    "[W]ords can barely describe how embarrassed, dejected, and hurt my wife, daughters, and I feel right now," the chief wrote on Facebook. He also wrote that his son, who has spent time in both juvenile and adult jail, needs to be held accountable for his actions.

    The younger McAllister and a 16-year-old companion allegedly confronted Sahib Singh Natt while he was taking a stroll in Manteca, near Stockton in the Central Valley, on Monday at about 6 a.m., and asked him for money.

    Authorities said the pair kicked Natt to the ground. Police said the video shows the suspect kick him at least three times and that one of the suspects may have waved a gun.

    The police chief and his wife worked with local police to track down their son and the 16-year-old. The pair were arrested Wednesday on one count of attempted robbery, elder abuse and assault with a deadly weapon.

    Investigators were still looking into whether the attack meets the legal criteria for charging a hate crime, the Record reported.

    "As to whether it was just a crime or a hate crime, I’m of the opinion that at this point, looking at the videos, that it’s just a crime committed by some young people," Bobby Bivens, president of the Stockton branch of the NAACP, told FOX 40.

    Bail wasn't set during the arraignment. McAllister was scheduled appear again Aug. 17.